- Opinion 24-003
- Licensing requirements for payroll and employee benefit services, as described – November 19, 2024
- Opinion 23-003
- Licensing requirements for cryptocurrency exchange services through mobile application, as described– November 29, 2023.
- Opinion 23-001
- Licensing requirements to offer cryptocurrency over the counter trading services, as described – June 28, 2023.
- Opinion 22-004
- Licensing requirements for the purchase and trading of fractional interests in real estate through an online platform, as described – February 21, 2023.
- Opinion 22-002
- Licensing requirements for a platform to purchase virtual currency for fiat or sell virtual currency for fiat, as described – November 1, 2022.
- Opinion 21-008
- Licensing requirements to provide cash management services to cryptocurrency kiosk operators, as described – April 25, 2022
- Opinion 21-009
- Licensing requirements for digital currency trading and custody services and certain liquidity services – March 2, 2022
- Opinion 21-004
- Licensing requirements for online platform enabling the creation and sale of digital assets representing interest in physical metals, as described – August 6, 2021
- Opinion 21-001
- Licensing requirement for business providing data processing and payment processing services, as described - March 26, 2021
- Opinion 020-006
- Licensing requirements for a foreign transmittal agency to issue funds to consumers by paper check, as described – February 16, 2021
- Opinion 020-004
- Licensing requirements for interactive games using distributed ledger technology – November 3, 2020
- Opinion 020-002
- Licensing requirements for virtual currency exchange services through a kiosk or website – August 13, 2020
- Opinion 020-003
- Does providing the specified services involving virtual currency through a mobile application and website, require a foreign transmittal agency license – May 22, 2020
- Opinion 19-005
- Does providing the specified products and services, as described, require a foreign transmittal agency license – September 26, 2019
- Opinion 19-004
- Do payment processing services using the ACH network, as described, require a foreign transmittal agency license - August 13, 2019
- Opinion 18-003
- DOB licensure requirement for activities, as described, for purchase, sale and exchange of virtual currency –June 14, 2018
- Opinion 18-002
- DOB licensure requirement for business activities involving the sale of cryptocurrency, as described – March 9, 2018
- Selected Opinion 05-021
- Is a license required to transmit commercial funds solicited by telephone or personal contact from outside the commonwealth - July 18, 2005
- Selected Opinion 01-103
- Do credit unions need a license to have foreign transmittals done by licensed entity - August 16, 2001
- Summary of Selected Opinions 99-078
- Permission for a Massachusetts multi-licensed entity to share office space with its out-of-state chartered bank - Q3 1999
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-144
- Exemptions from foreign transmittal licensing requirements for telegraph companies - Q3 1998
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-089
- Licensing for agents of licensed foreign transmittal agencies and check sellers - Q2 1998
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-079
- Calculation of bond requirement - Q2 1998
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-046
- Licensing of companies that help other companies to obtain favorable U.S. dollar exchange rates - Q3 1998
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-034
- Licensing of travel agents who conduct foreign transmittal transactions - January 4, 1998
- Summary of Selected Opinion 97-218
- Licensing requirements of foreign transmittal agencies - Q4 1997
- Summary of Selected Opinion 97-258
- Bond requirements for licensees - January 2, 1997
Past opinions of the DOB
You can get copies of past opinions by submitting a Public Records Request to the DOB's Record Access Officer.
The DOB's Regulations, found in the Code of Massachusetts Regulations (CMR - agency code number 209), are available through the State House Bookstore.