- Opinion 24-002
- Permissibility for Massachusetts chartered banks to participate in reciprocal deposit programs, as described – April 25, 2024
- Selected Opinion 23-004
- Permissibility to engage in ministerial loan document execution services at a representative office of a foreign bank located in the Commonwealth - February 28, 2024
- Opinion 020-001
- Applicability of Massachusetts General Laws chapter 244, section 35B to certain agency and GSE loans – July 1, 2020
- Opinion 19-009
- Confirmation that a Massachusetts-chartered financial institution's donation to HOME is a qualified investment under CRA– December 11, 2019
- Opinion 19-001
- Request for interpretation of MGL chapter 167I, section 14 governing changes in control of Massachusetts stock banks – June 5, 2019
- Selected Opinion 09-028
- Whether G.L. c. 183, s. 63A precludes a loan modification under HAMP - January 13, 2010
- Selected Opinion 09-009
- Providing credit under the Community Reinvestment Act for lenders who participate in the Neighborhood Stabilization Program - April 27, 2009
- Selected Opinion 06-082
- Whether a bank's participation in the Holocaust Restitution Payment Fee Waiver Program would qualify for consideration under the Community Reinvestment Act - December 1, 2006
- Selected Opinion 05-160
- Whether state-chartered banks can make any Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loan saleable in the secondary market or only as authorized by recent amendments to G.L. c. 167E - April 26, 2005
- Selected Opinion 05-069
- Crediting to a customer's account of a deposit to an out-of-state bank at the time it is received at a courier's or another service facility in Massachusetts constitute a branch office - August 24, 2005
- Selected Opinion 04-015
- Impact of recent amendments to the Pre-Need Funeral Contract Regulations, 239 CMR 4.00, on banks and Funeral Trust Account deposits - February 27, 2004
- Selected Opinion 04-008
- Determination of authorized state depository for holding collateral in lieu of a bond for used car dealers - March 5, 2004
- Selected Opinion 03-049
- Whether the activities of the New England Pension Assistance Project qualify under the Massachusetts Community Reinvestment Act - May 16, 2003
- Selected Opinion 03-038
- Whether a state-chartered credit union or banking institution's participation in a program Is a qualified activity under the Massachusetts Community Reinvestment Act - April 9, 2003
- Selected Opinion 02-038
- Computation of capital for purposes of determining the aggregate loan limitation - April 19, 2002
- Selected Opinion 02-037
- Permissibility of an out of state bank to perform fiduciary activities in Massachusetts - April 2, 2002
- Selected Opinion 02-035
- Permissibility to offer bank customers a courier service through an independent third party courier service - April 2, 2002
- Selected Opinion 02-008
- Is statute triggered by word bank in a product brand name - June 26, 2002
- Selected Opinion 02-003
- Charging of fees for the purchase of bank checks or money orders under 18-65 accounts - January 23, 2002
- Selected Opinion 01-177
- Fee for cashing non-customer's check - December 18, 2001
- Selected Opinion 01-169
- Donation to H.O.M.E. qualifying as a CRA investment - December 20, 2001
- Selected Opinion 01-145
- State-chartered banks charging premium rates on ARMs - December 13, 2001
- Selected Opinion 01-120
- Division of Bank regulation of a loan production office of a non-insured Connecticut bank - August 16, 2001
- Selected Opinion 01-110
- Is a credit card covered by laws and bulletins governing insider transactions - November 20, 2001
- Selected Opinion 01-104
- Annuity sales and other activities requiring approval - August 13, 2001
- Selected Opinion 01-101
- Relocation of main office to adjacent parcel - August 2, 2001
- Selected Opinion 01-094
- Are indemnifications and guarantees calculated to One Borrower Limit - December 31, 2001
- Selected Opinion 01-092
- Affordable Housing Program for loans greater than 95% - July 18, 2001
- Selected Opinion 01-085
- Do drive through and walk-up teller require branch approval - July 10, 2001
- Selected Opinion 01-064
- Money Order Purchases under 18-65 Account - June 1, 2001
- Selected Opinions 01-052, 01-084
- Expansion of bank main office requiring branch office approval - June 25, 2001, May 9, 2001
- Selected Opinion 01-047
- Qualification of proposed loan program under Affordable Housing provisions of G.L. c. 167E, section 2, subsection C - April 12, 2001
- Selected Opinion 00-180
- Payments of referral fees to third parties for consumer loans - March 20, 2001
- Selected Opinion 00-164
- Operating a foreign currencies exchange service - March 1, 2001
- Summary of Selected Opinion 00-167
- Does a California industrial bank require a debt collection license - Q4 2000
- Summary of Selected Opinion 00-166
- Establishment of an LPO by an out-of-state bank - Q4 2000
- Summary of Selected Opinion 00-159
- Out of state bank maintaining an LPO in Massachusetts - Q4 2000
- Summary of Selected Opinion 00-117
- Applicability Of G.L. ch. 93 § 105(b)(1)to a bank - Q3 2000
- Summary of Selected Opinion 00-116
- Loans permitted by Chapter 47 Of The Acts Of 2000 - Q3 2000
- Summary of Selected Opinion 00-084
- State-chartered banks authority to lend in Maine - Q2 2000
- Summary of Selected Opinion 00-063
- Home Equity Loan disclosures required by federal regulation on bank's website - Q3 2000
- Summary of Selected Opinion 00-045
- Reciprocity of laws with respect to interstate mergers between Connecticut and Massachusetts - Q2 2000
- Summary of Selected Opinion 00-033
- A financial institution's participation in the Massachusetts Bankers Association mortgage lending initiative for qualification under the Commonwealth's Community Reinvestment Act - Q1 2000
- Summary of Selected Opinion 00-030
- Excusing a delay by a bank in making a timely periodic statement
- Summary of Selected Opinion 00-024
- Applicability of M.G.L. c 183, s 63B to a nationally chartered banking institution - Q1 2000
- Summary of Selected Opinion 00-007
- Qualification of a bank's investment in a CRA fund for consideration under the Commonwealth's Community Reinvestment Act - Q1 2000
- Summary of Selected Opinion 00-006
- A state-chartered ban-'s participation in the Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency's Mortgage Insurance Fund for qualification under the Commonwealth's Community Reinvestment Act - Q1 2000
- Summary of Selected Opinion 00-005
- Out-of-state federal bank governed by M.G.L. 167, s 43A - Q1 2000
- Selected Opinion 99A-542
- Bank leasing space to a third party for NDIP sales - December 9, 1999
- Selected Opinion 98-250
- Joint letter of DOB and Division of Insurance on the bank insurance sales statute – March 24, 1999
- Summary of Selected Opinion 99-176
- A state-chartered bank originating first mortgage loans with a loan-to-value ratio of 97% of the value of the real estate - Q4 1999
- Summary of Selected Opinion 99-160
- Use of the word 'Banc" - Q4 1999
- Summary of Selected Opinion 99-099
- Permissibility to establish a loan production office - Q3 1999
- Summary of Selected Opinion 99-097
- Permissibility to invest in a small business investment company organized as a limited partnership - Q3 1999
- Summary of Selected Opinion 99-092
- Maximum amount that a state-chartered bank may charge as a prepayment penalty on a Home Equity Line of Credit secured by a first mortgage
- Summary of Selected Opinion 99-086
- Permissibility to establish representative office - Q3 1999
- Summary of Selected Opinion 99-085
- Clarification of shareholder voting rights - Q3 1999
- Summary of Selected Opinion 99-083
- Clarification of shareholder vote needed to approve stock benefit plan adopted by converted stock form savings bank - Q3 1999
- Summary of Selected Opinion 99-082
- Qualification of bank membership in MCBC for consideration under CRA - Q3 1999
- Summary of Selected Opinion 99-056
- CRA Investment and Service Test requirements - Q2 1999
- Summary of Selected Opinion 99-050
- Applicability of "18-65" law to state-chartered banks only - Q2 1999
- Summary of Selected Opinion 99-048
- Permissibility to establish and fund a private nonprofit charitable foundation - Q2 1999
- Summary of Selected Opinion 99-043
- Authority of Savings Bank Employees Benefit Association relative to formation of or investment in subsidiaries - Q2 1999
- Summary of Selected Opinion 99-022
- Permissibility of a savings bank to offer interest-free loans to employees and officers for home use computers - Q1 1999
- Summary of Selected Opinion 99-017
- Truth-in-Lending disclosures for consumer loans through the internet - Q2 1999
- Summary of Selected Opinion 99-014
- Permissibility of banks offering certain refinance mortgage loans under the Lending Test of the Community Reinvestment Act - Q1 1999
- Summary of Selected Opinion 99-002
- Applicability of restrictions on late fee and prepayment penalties on residential mortgage loans to federally-chartered and out-of-state banks - Q1 1999
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-267
- Out-of-state banks making mortgage loans in the Commonwealth - Q1 1999
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-265
- Permissibility of Massachusetts state-chartered bank to make loans out-of-state - Q4 1998
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-254
- Requirements for determining reciprocity of state banking laws for the purpose of bank mergers - Q4 1998
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-248
- Guidelines for advertising Money Market Accounts and Certificates Of Deposit - Q4 1998
- Selected Opinion 98-247
- Bank lease of space to insurance agency - January 28, 1999
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-244
- Definition of "Officer" for the purposes of loan limitation - Q4 1998
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-237
- Requirements for revising terms of mortgage loans - Q4 1998
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-225
- Use of the word "Bank" in the name of an insurance company doing business in Massachusetts - Q4 1998
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-212
- CRA investment test requirements - Q4 1998
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-204
- Recognizing the validity of a commercial loan transfer from a foreign bank to a trust organized by the bank so that the trust may consolidate the commercial loans and issue notes secured by the collateral of said loans - Q3 1998
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-201
- Permissibility to offer a personal checking account containing a "sweep" feature - Q1 1999
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-180
- Permissibility of foreign bank to advertise and solicit deposits in the Commonwealth - Q4 1998
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-148
- Permissible bank fees; requirements for retaining mortgage payment histories - Q3 1998
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-147
- Transfer of authority to act in a fiduciary capacity - Q3 1998
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-143
- Collateralizing the deposits of economic development and industrial corporation - Q3 1998
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-140
- Permissibility of savings bank to offer reduced fee/points mortgages to its employees - Q3 1998
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-131
- Use of word "Trust" in name of entity that does not conduct banking business - Q2 1998
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-127
- Licensing requirements for entities making commercial loan - Q2 1998
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-124 (-077)
- Foreign corporation's use ff "Bank" as part of name when doing business in Massachusetts - Q2 1998
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-119
- Applicability of M.G.L. chapter 167E § 11(a), (b) to mortgage loans on commercial property - Q3 1998
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-115
- Open-end lines of credit disclosure requirements - Q3 1998
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-113
- Exemption from licensing requirements for banks - Q2 1998
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-092
- Public disclosure requirements for savings banks which have converted to stock corporations - Q3 1998
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-081
- Permissibility of cash prize program for auto dealers closing auto loans funded by a bank - Q2 1998
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-069
- Considerations of qualified activities of a bank's affiliates in a CRA examination - Q2 1998
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-067
- Licensing requirements for mortgage lenders affiliated with federally-chartered savings banks - Q2 1998
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-065
- Maturity Notice requirements for time deposit accounts longer than one month that renew automatically - Q2 1998
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-063
- Permissibility of bank using customer's social security no. as a central file no. - Q1 1998
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-047
- Open-end line of credit periodic billing statement - Q2 1998
- Summary of Selected Opinion 98-003
- Use of an out-of-state bank's name for Massachusetts transactions - Q1 198
Selected Opinions related to banks: 97-254 through 97-053
Past opinions of the DOB
You can get copies of past opinions by submitting a Public Records Request to the DOB's Record Access Officer.
The DOB's Regulations, found in the Code of Massachusetts Regulations (CMR - agency code number 209), are available through the State House Bookstore.