Code of Massachusetts Regulations F-J

CMR index for subjects F-J

Table of Contents


Fair Hearing Rules, Dept. of Transitional Assistance 106 CMR 343
Fair Hearing Rules, MassHealth 130 CMR 610
Fair Information Practices Act 940 CMR 11
Fair Information Practices Regulations 950 CMR 33
Family and Medical Leave458 CMR
Family Day Care 606 CMR 7
Farm Labor Camps -- Housing and Sanitation 105 CMR 420
Fault, Standard of (Motor Vehicle Accidents) 211 CMR 74 
Fees of Licenses -- Permits and Services 801 CMR 4 
Fertilizer and Lime 330 CMR 15
Fire Marshall, Office of the State 502 CMR
Fire Prevention, Board of 527 CMR
Fire Safe Cigarettes 501 CMR 14 
Firearms Roster 501 CMR 7 
Firearms Safety Instruction 515 CMR 3 
Fireworks527 CMR 1 
First Responder Training 105 CMR 171 
Fish Farms 322 CMR 14 
322 CMR 15 
Fish -- Regulation of Catches 322 CMR 6  
Fish -- Weighing, Sorting and Culling 201 CMR 10
Fisheries and Wildlife 321 CMR
Fishing 321 CMR 4   
322 CMR
Flaggers -- Civilian and Police Details 700 CMR 6
Flags -- Arms and Seal Specifications 950 CMR 34 
Flight Rules 702 CMR 4 
Flood Insurance209 CMR 57
Food and Agriculture 330 CMR
Food Establishments Sanitation Standards 105 CMR 590 
1999 Food Code
Food Manufacturing Standards 105 CMR 500 
Food Stamp Program 106 CMR 360-367
Force, Use of, by Law Enforcement Officers555 CMR 6
Foreclosure Rescue Transactions 940 CMR 25 
Foreclosure Prevention Options 209 CMR 56 
Forest Cutting Practices 302 CMR 16
Forests and Parks 304 CMR
Foster Care Standards for Licensure or Approval 606 CMR 5
Foster Parents 110 CMR 7 
Freedom of Information 801 CMR 3 
Freight Rate Tariffs 220 CMR 260 
Fuel Gas Code, Massachusetts 248 CMR 4
Funeral Directing, Board of Registration 239 CMR
Furloughs for Correctional Institution Inmates 103 CMR 463 
Furniture, Upholstered 105 CMR 620


Gambling, Illegal -- De Facto Establishments 940 CMR 30 
Gaming Commission, Massachusetts 205 CMR
Gas Distribution Code 220 CMR 100 
Gas Fitters 248 CMR
Gas Stations 527 CMR 1 
Generic Drugs 105 CMR 720 
Genetic Counselors, Board of Registration 270 CMR
Good Time 103 CMR 411 
Gravestone Restoration and Reproduction 950 CMR 41 
Green Communities Program, Participation in, For Municipalities Served by Municipal Light Plants225 CMR 25
Greyhound Racing 205 CMR 5-9
Greyhounds, Care of Racing 205 CMR 12 
Groundwater Discharge Permit Program 314 CMR 5 
Group Day Care Programs 606 CMR 7 
Group Insurance Commission 805 CMR


Habitation, Human -- Minimum Standards of Fitness 105 CMR 410 
Harbormaster Training Council501 CMR 16 
Handgun Sales 940 CMR 16 
Handicapped 107 CMR
Handicapped Access to Building and Facilities 521 CMR
Harness Racing 205 CMR 3
Hate Crimes 501 CMR 4 
Hazardous Materials List -- Massachusetts 310 CMR 40
Hazardous Materials Transportation by Rail 220 CMR 156 
Hazardous Substance List 301 CMR 41 
Hazardous Substances 105 CMR 650
Hazardous Waste Facility Site Safety Council 990 CMR
Hazardous Waste Regulations 310 CMR 30  
Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Professionals 309 CMR
Hazing Reporting -- Higher Education 610 CMR 5 
Hazing Reporting -- Secondary Schools 603 CMR 33
Head Injury Program, Statewide 107 CMR 12
Health and Human Services, Executive Office of 101 CMR
Health Care Finance and Policy (formerly Rate Setting Commission) 114 CMR
Health Care Quality and Cost Council 129 CMR
Health Clinics 105 CMR 140 
Health Facilities Appeals Board 113 CMR
Health Information and Analysis, Center for 957 CMR
Health Insurance (Commonwealth Connector) 956 CMR
Health Insurance Consumer Protection 958 CMR 3
Health Insurance, Nongroup Rate 211 CMR 41 
Health Insurance Program, Student 956 CMR 8 
Health Insurance, Small Group 211 CMR 66 
Health Insurance, Specific Diseases 211 CMR 146 
Health Maintenance Organizations 211 CMR 43 
Health Officers, Board of Certification of 241 CMR
Health Policy Commission 958 CMR
Health Safety Net Eligible Services 101 CMR 613 
Hearing Aid Dispensers -- Rates 101 CMR 323 
Hearing Aids, MassHealth 130 CMR 416
Hearing Instrument Specialists 265 CMR
Heimlich Maneuver 105 CMR 605 
Herring, Sea 322 CMR 9
Higher Education, Board of 610 CMR
Highways, Department of 720 CMR
Historical Commission, Massachusetts 950 CMR 70 
HMOs 211 CMR 43 
Hoisting Machinery 520 CMR 6 
HomeBASE (Short-Term Housing Transition Program) 760 CMR 65 
Home Care Program (Aging & Independence) 651 CMR 3
Home Care Program (Mass Rehab) 107 CMR 11 
Home Care Worker Registry651 CMR 16
Home Health Services -- Rates 101 CMR 350
Home Improvement Contractor Arbitration 201 CMR 14 
Home Improvement Contractor Registration 201 CMR 18 
Home Inspectors 266 CMR
Home Mortgage Finance Agency, Massachusetts 761 CMR
Homeless Medical Respite Services101 CMR 321
130 CMR 458
Horse Racing 205 CMR 4
Horse Racing, Harness 205 CMR 3
Horses 330 CMR 16
Hospice Programs, Licensure of 105 CMR 141
Hospice Services, MassHealth 101 CMR 343
130 CMR 437
Hospital and Medical Facility Charges 114.1-114.3 CMR
Hospitals -- Licensure Regulations 105 CMR 130
Housing and Livable Communities, Executive Office of760 CMR
Housing Discrimination 804 CMR 2 
Housing, Eligibility in State-Aided Public 760 CMR 5 
Human Services, Executive Office of Health and 101 CMR
Hunting 321 CMR 3


Ice Cream Truck Vendors, Permitting 520 CMR 15 
Identity Theft 201 CMR 16 
201 CMR 17 
940 CMR 27 
Idling Motor Vehicles on School Grounds 540 CMR 27 
Ignition Interlock Devices 540 CMR 25 
Immigrants and Refugees, Office of 121 CMR
Immigration, MassHealth 130 CMR 518 
Immunization of Students 105 CMR 220 
Income Tax, State 830 CMR 62 
Independent Clinical Laboratory Services, MassHealth 130 CMR 401 
Independent Living Services 107 CMR 10 
101 CMR 309 
Individualized Plan for Employment 107 CMR 5 
Industrial Accidents, Department of 452 CMR
Industrial Safety, Division of 454 CMR
Industrial Wastewater 314 CMR 18 
Infants, Newborn Blood Screening 105 CMR 270 
Infectious Diseases, Reporting of 105 CMR 172 
Infertility Insurance Benefits 211 CMR 37 
Inmate Grievances 103 CMR 491 
Inmates, Classification of 103 CMR 420 
Inmates, Force Used Against 103 CMR 505 
Inmates' Funds 103 CMR 405 
Inmates' Property 103 CMR 403 
Inspector General, Office of 945 CMR
Insurance 211 CMR
Insurance Premium Finance Board 955 CMR
Insurance Sales by Banks 209 CMR 49 
International Building CodeIBC


Jackie's Law: Excavation and Trench Safety 520 CMR 14 
Jet Skis 323 CMR 4 
Juvenile Detention Facilities -- Sanitary Code 105 CMR 450 
Juvenile Offenders 109 CMR

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Last updated: January 17, 2025

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