Code of Massachusetts Regulations Q-Z

CMR index for subjects Q-Z

Table of Contents


Quarantine 105 CMR 300 
Quarantine, Plant 330 CMR 9


Rabies Prevention 330 CMR 10 
Rabies Treatment 105 CMR 335 
Rabies Vaccinations for Pets 105 CMR 330 
Racing Commission (now, Gaming Commission) 205 CMR
Radiation Hazards and Control 105 CMR 120
Radiation Limits, Nonionizing 105 CMR 122 
Radioactive Waste Management, Low-level 310 CMR 43 
345 CMR
Radiologic Technologists 105 CMR 125 
Raffles 940 CMR 12 
Rafting, Whitewater 323 CMR 6 
Rate Setting 114 CMR
Real Estate Appraisers, Board of Registration 264 CMR
Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons, Board of Registration 254 CMR
Recertification, Law Enforcement Officers555 CMR 7
Reclaimed Water Permit Programs and Standards 314 CMR 20 
Recreational and Scenic Rivers 302 CMR 3 
Recreational Tramways 526 CMR
Recreational Vehicles and Snow Vehicles 323 CMR 3 
Recycling, Class II Program 310 CMR 19.300-19.303 
Recycling of Beverage Containers 301 CMR 4 
Refinancing -- Determination of Borrower's Interest 209 CMR 53 
Refugees and Immigrants, Office for 121 CMR
Register of Historic Places -- Protection of Properties 950 CMR 71 
Registration, Division of (now, Division of Occupational Licensure)230 CMR
Registration of Motor Vehicles 540 CMR 18 
Rehabilitation Commission, Massachusetts (now, MassAbility)107 CMR
Rehabilitation Counselor -- Licensure 262 CMR 4 
Religious Services in Correctional Institutions 103 CMR 471 
Relocation Assistance 760 CMR 27
Renewable Energy -- Long-Term Contracts 220 CMR 17 
Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard 225 CMR 14-16
Rental Assistance -- Standards for Determining Eligibility 760 CMR 5 
Rental Voucher Program 760 CMR 49 
Repair Shop Endorsement Plans (Automobile Insurance) 211 CMR 56 
Respiratory Care, Board of 261 CMR
Restaurants -- Minimum Sanitation Standards 105 CMR 590 
1999 Food Code
Retail Advertising Regulations 940 CMR 6 
Retired Law Enforcement Officers --  Identification 501 CMR 13 
Retirement Administration Commission, Public Employee 840 CMR
Retirement Board, State 941 CMR
Retirement Board, Teachers 807 CMR
Revenue, Department of 830 CMR
Ride-Sharing Services (Transportation Network Companies)220 CMR 274
540 CMR 2.05 
Riding Schools and Stables, Licensing of 330 CMR 16 
Right to Know 105 CMR 670 
Right to Know -- Implementation 310 CMR 33 
454 CMR 24 
Risk-Based Capital (RBC) for Health Organizations 211 CMR 25 
River Basins and Coastal Drainage Maps 314 CMR 4.06 
Rivers -- Scenic and Recreational 302 CMR 3 
Rubbish Handling -- Fire Prevention 527 CMR 1 


Safe Driver Insurance and Merit Rating Plans 211 CMR 88 
211 CMR 134 
Safe Roads 501 CMR 2 
Safeguard of Personal Information 940 CMR 27 
Sale Prices 940 CMR 6.05 
Sales and Use Tax 830 CMR 64H
Sanitarians, Board of Registration of 255 CMR
Sanitary Code 105 CMR 410 
Sanitary Code -- Correctional Institutions 105 CMR 451 
Sanitary Sewage -- Subsurface Disposal Requirements 310 CMR 15  
Scenic and Recreational Rivers 302 CMR 3 
School-Age Child Care Programs 606 CMR 7 
School Building Grant Program 963 CMR 2 
School Buses, Minimum Standards for540 CMR 7 
School District, Regional 603 CMR 41
School Students, Immunizations Required for105 CMR 220 
Schools 603 CMR
Schools, Innovation 603 CMR 48 
Schools -- Physical Examination of Students 105 CMR 200 
Schools, Prescription Medications in 105 CMR 210 
Schools, Virtual 603 CMR 52  
Seasonal Employment 430 CMR 12 
Secretary of the Commonwealth 950 CMR
Securities, Registration of 950 CMR 13.300 
Security and Privacy Council 806 CMR
Security Deposits 940 CMR 3.17(4) 
Security Freeze (Credit Reports) 201 CMR 17 
Self-Insurance Groups, Worker's Compensation 211 CMR 67 
Sentence Computation 103 CMR 410 
Septage and Sludge, Land Application of 310 CMR 32 
Septic (Title 5) 310 CMR 15 
Sewer System Extension and Connection Permit Program 314 CMR 7 
Sewer Use 360 CMR 10
Sex Offender Registry Board (SORB)803 CMR 1 
Sheet Metal Workers 271 CMR
Shellfish, Contaminated 322 CMR 10 
Ship Chandlers 204 CMR 5 
Ships -- Alcohol 204 CMR 19 
Sick Time940 CMR 33 
Simulcasting205 CMR 7
205 CMR 16
Skating Rinks, Air Quality in105 CMR 675 
Sludge and Septage, Land Application of 310 CMR 32 
Smart Growth and Starter Home Zoning Districts760 CMR 59 
Smoke and Heat Detectors 527 CMR 1 
780 CMR 907.2.24 
Smoking 105 CMR 661 
Snowmobiles and Recreational Vehicles, Use of 323 CMR 3 
Social Service Programs -- Prices, Reporting and Auditing for 808 CMR
Social Services, Department of (now Dept. of Children and Families)110 CMR
Social Workers, Board of Registration of 258 CMR
Solid Waste Management Regulations 310 CMR 19 
Solitary Confinement or Segregation in Correctional Institutions 103 CMR 421 
Space Heaters 527 CMR 1 
Special Education 603 CMR 28 
Speech and Audiology, Board of 260 CMR
Speech and Audiology, MassHealth 130 CMR 413 
Sports Wagering (aka Sports Betting)205 CMR 202, et seq.
Standard Adjudicatory Rules of Practice and Procedure 801 CMR 1 
Standards, Division of 202 CMR
Starter Home and Smart Growth Zoning Districts760 CMR 59
State Building Code. Note: Must be used in conjunction with the International Building Code780 CMR
State Ethics Commission 930 CMR
State Fire Marshall, Office of 502 CMR
State Lottery Commission 961 CMR
State Office of Minority & Women Business Assistance (SOMBWA)425 CMR
State Parks and Recreation, Division of304 CMR
State Police 515 CMR
Statewide Emergency Telecommunications Board (now, State 911 Department)560 CMR
Stem Cell Research 105 CMR 960 
Sterilization and Hysterectomy, MassHealth 130 CMR 485 
Student Health Insurance (Higher Education) 956 CMR 8 
Student Discipline603 CMR 53 
Student Records 603 CMR 23
Students, Physical Examination of 105 CMR 200 
Substance Abuse Programs -- Rates 101 CMR 346 
Subsurface Water Discharge Permit Program 314 CMR 3 
Surface Water Quality Standards 314 CMR 4  
Surplus State Property 802 CMR 3 
Surveyors, Board of Registration 250 CMR
Sweepstakes, Illegal 940 CMR 30 
Swimming Pools -- Sanitary Standards 105 CMR 435 
Swine 330 CMR 11 


TAFDC (Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children) 106 CMR
Tandem Trailer Units, Limitation on 700 CMR 7.07 
Tanning Facilities 105 CMR 123 
Tasers 501 CMR 8 
Taxation 830 CMR
Taxicabs -- Surety Required 220 CMR 152 
Teachers, Licensing of603 CMR 7 
Teacher's Retirement Board 807 CMR
Telecommunications Board, Statewide Emergency (now, State 911 Dept.)560 CMR
Telemarketing 201 CMR 12 
TEMP (Transitional Employment for Massachusetts Parents) 106 CMR 703.710
Tents 527 CMR 1 
Tidelands -- Public Benefit Determination 301 CMR 13 
Title 5 310 CMR 15 
Tobacco Product Manufacturer Certifications 940 CMR 24 
Tobin Bridge 700 CMR 11 
Tooth Brushing by Child Care Providers 606 CMR 7.11(11)(d) 
Toxic or Hazardous Substance List 301 CMR 41 
Toxic Use Fee 301 CMR 40 
Toxic Use Reduction 310 CMR 50
Trademark Administration 950 CMR 62
Traffic Law Violations 211 CMR 134 Appx. A 
Training Benefits for Unemployed 430 CMR 9 
Tramway, Recreational 526 CMR
Transitional Assistance, Department of 106 CMR
Transitional Employment for Massachusetts Parents (TEMP) 106 CMR 703.710
Transportation, Department of700 CMR
Transportation and Construction, Executive Office 701 CMR
Transportation Network Companies (Ride-Sharing Services)540 CMR 2.05 
Treasurer & Receiver General, Office of the State 960 CMR
Treatment Center 103 CMR 460 
Trench and Excavation Safety 520 CMR 14 
Tuberculosis -- Facility Treatment Standards 105 CMR 360 


Underground Storage Tank Petroleum Product -- Cleanup Fund Administrative Review Board 503 CMR
Underwater Archaeological Resources 312 CMR
Unemployment 430 CMR
Unfair and Deceptive Acts by Landlord 940 CMR 3.17 
Unfair and Deceptive Acts in Banking 209 CMR 40 
Unit Pricing 202 CMR 5 
Upholstery -- Fire Prevention 527 CMR 1 
Urban Center Housing Tax Increment Financing 760 CMR 58 
Urban Renewal -- General Rules 760 CMR 12
Urban Self-Help Programs, Environmental 301 CMR 5 
Use of Force -- Law Enforcement Officers555 CMR 6
Used Car Warranty Arbitration 201 CMR 11 


Vaping105 CMR 665
Vending Facilities Program (Commission for the Blind)111 CMR 3 
Vertical Reciprocating Conveyors 524 CMR 32 
Veteran Advocate, Office of the123 CMR
Veterans, Qualified -- Hire Tax Credit108 CMR 16
Veterans' Bonus Division -- Administration of Bonuses960 CMR 7
Veterans Home at Chelsea, Massachusetts122 CMR
Veterans Services, Executive Office of 108 CMR
Veterans supportive housing program760 CMR 70
Veterinary Medicine, Board of Registration in 256 CMR
Virtual Schools 603 CMR 52 
Vision Services, MassHealth 130 CMR 402 
Vision Services -- Rates 101 CMR 315 
Visitation -- Correctional Institutions 103 CMR 483 
Vocational Education 603 CMR 4 
Vocational Rehabilitation 107 CMR
Voter Registration and Voting -- Equipment and Counting Procedures 950 CMR 49-60
Voting, Accessibility for Elderly and Handicapped 950 CMR 51 
Voting, Early950 CMR 47 


Wastewater Treatment Facilities, Board of Registration of Operators of257 CMR
Water Companies -- Uniform System of Accounts 220 CMR 52 
Water -- Ground and Surface 314 CMR
Water Pollution Control, Division of 314 CMR
Water Quality Certification 314 CMR 9 
Water Quality -- Financial Assistance 310 CMR 44 
Water Resources Authority, Massachusetts (MWRA)360 CMR
Water Supply Facilities, Certification of Operators of Drinking236 CMR
Water -- Underground Source Protection 310 CMR 27   
Watersheds 313 CMR 11
Waterways 310 CMR 9  
Weapon Rosters 501 CMR 7 
Welding -- Fire Prevention 527 CMR 1 
Welfare 106 CMR
Well Drillers 310 CMR 46
Wetlands, Coastal 310 CMR 12 
Wetlands Protection 310 CMR 10 
Whales, Northern Right 322 CMR 12 
Whitewater Rafting 323 CMR 6 
Wildlife, Exotic 321 CMR 9 
Wildlife Habitat 310 CMR 10 Appendix 
Wireless Telephone Service, Surcharge on Prepaid 560 CMR 3 
Women and Minority Business Assistance 425 CMR
Work Release Programs for Inmates 103 CMR 464 
Workers' Compensation 452 CMR
Workers' Compensation Insurance 211 CMR 110-115 
Workers' Compensation -- Self-Insurance Groups 211 CMR 67 
Worker's Compensation -- Rates for Services under MGL c.152114.3 CMR 40  


Youth and children services -- rates101 CMR 451
Youth Services 109 CMR


Zoning -- Multi-family Requirement for MBTA Communities760 CMR 72
Zoning -- Protected Use Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)760 CMR 71
Zoning -- Smart Growth and Starter Home Districts 760 CMR 59

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Last updated: January 31, 2025

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