Subject | Citation |
Kegs, Malt Beverages in | 204 CMR 9 |
Subject | Citation |
Labor and Workforce Development, Dept. of | 453 CMR |
Labor and Workforce Development, Executive Office of | 429 CMR |
Labor Relations, Department of | 456 CMR |
Labor Standards, Department of | 454 CMR |
Land Acquisition, Environmental Affairs | 301 CMR 51 |
Land Surveyors, Board of Registration | 250 CMR |
Landfills | 310 CMR 30.620 |
Landlord-Tenant -- Unfair and Deceptive Acts | 940 CMR 3.17 |
Lands -- Disposition of State Surplus | 946 CMR 2 |
Landscape Architects, Board of Registration of | 242 CMR |
Lasers, Radiation | 105 CMR 121 |
Law Enforcement, Office of | 323 CMR |
Law enforcement records | 555 CMR 12 |
Lead -- Deleading | 454 CMR 22 |
Lead Exposure Liability Insurance | 211 CMR 131 |
Lead Paint Abatement Loan Program | 760 CMR 14 |
Lead Poisoning--Prevention and Control | 105 CMR 460 |
Legal Services Plans | 211 CMR 90 |
Lemon Law Arbitration | 201 CMR 11 |
LEOSA (Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act) | 501 CMR 13 515 CMR 6 |
Librarians, Certification of | 605 CMR 3 |
Libraries -- Correctional Institutions | 103 CMR 478 |
Library Commissioners, Board of | 605 CMR |
Licenses or Learner's Permits -- Public Record Disclosure of Information | 940 CMR 37 |
Licensed Site Professionals (Hazardous Waste Cleanup) | 309 CMR |
Licenses, Permits and Services -- Fees to be Charged by State Agencies | 801 CMR 4 |
Life Insurance, Accelerated Benefits | 211 CMR 55 |
Life Insurance Actuarial Opinions | 211 CMR 132 |
Life Insurance Policies -- Valuation | 211 CMR 29 |
Life Insurance Solicitation | 211 CMR 31 |
Life Insurance, Variable | 211 CMR 95 |
Limited Liability Companies -- Insurance | 211 CMR 24 |
Limited Liability Companies and Partnerships | 950 CMR 111 950 CMR 112 |
Limited Partnerships | 950 CMR 108 |
Liquefied Petroleum Gas | 527 CMR 1 |
Loan Agencies | 209 CMR |
Lock Up Facilities -- Maintenance and Construction | 105 CMR 470 |
Logan International Airport -- General Provision | 740 CMR 21 |
Long-Term Care Facilities, Licensing of | 105 CMR 150 |
Long-Term Care Insurance | 211 CMR 65 |
Long-Term Care Services, MassHealth | 130 CMR 456 |
Lottery Commission, State | 961 CMR |
Lottery Rules and Regulations | 961 CMR 2 |
Low-Income Housing | 760 CMR |
LPG | 527 CMR 1 |
Subject | Citation |
Mammography Facilities, Licensing of | 105 CMR 127 |
Managed Care Organizations | 211 CMR 52 |
Managed Care Requirements, MassHealth | 130 CMR 508 |
Marijuana, Medical and Recreational | 935 CMR |
Marine Fisheries | 322 CMR |
Marine Insurance | 211 CMR 10 |
Marriage and Family Therapist -- Licensure | 262 CMR 3 |
MassAbility | 107 CMR |
Massachusetts Business Corporation Act | 950 CMR 113 |
Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination | 804 CMR |
Massachusetts Contingency Plan | 310 CMR 40 |
Massachusetts Cultural Council | 962 CMR |
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency | 946 CMR |
Massachusetts Electrical Code | 527 CMR 12 |
Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) | 301 CMR 11 |
Massachusetts Gas Distribution Code | 220 CMR 100 |
Massachusetts Historical Commission | 950 CMR 70 |
Massachusetts Home Mortgage Finance Agency | 761 CMR |
Massachusetts Oil and Hazardous Material List | 310 CMR 40 |
Massachusetts Offers Rebates for Electric Vehicles (MOR-EV) Program | 225 CMR 26 |
Massachusetts Port Authority | 740 CMR |
Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (now MassAbility) | 107 CMR |
Massachusetts Treatment Center | 103 CMR 460 |
Massachusetts Water Resources Authority | 360 CMR |
Massachusetts Water Resources Management Program | 310 CMR 36 |
Massage Therapy | 269 CMR |
MassHealth | 130 CMR |
Massport | 740 CMR |
Maternity Leave | 804 CMR 8 |
Mattresses | 105 CMR 620 |
MBTA Communities, Multi-family Zoning Requirement for | 760 CMR 72 |
MCAD | 804 CMR |
Medicaid (MassHealth) | 130 CMR 501 |
Medical Assistance Program Providers | 130 CMR 401 |
Medical Qualifications to Drive | 540 CMR 24 |
Medical Research on Inmates | 103 CMR 180 |
Medical Treatment, Authorization for | 110 CMR 11 |
Medical Waste | 105 CMR 480 |
Medicare Supplement Insurance | 211 CMR 71 211 CMR 121 |
Medication, Administration of, in Public and Private Schools | 105 CMR 210 105 CMR 700 |
Medicine, Board of Registration in | 243 CMR |
Meningitis | 105 CMR 221 |
Mental Health Counselor -- Licensure | 262 CMR 2 |
Mental Health, Department of | 104 CMR |
Mental Health Facilities -- Investigations | 104 CMR 32 |
MEPA | 301 CMR 11 |
Mercury Components in Vehicles, Removal and Recycling | 310 CMR 74 |
Mercury Products, Collection of and Recycling | 310 CMR 75 |
Mercury Products in Solid Waste | 310 CMR 76 |
Merit Rating Plans and Safe Driver Insurance | 211 CMR 134 |
Migrant Workers -- Rights of Visitation | 105 CMR 425 |
Military -- Insurance | 211 CMR 27 |
Milk Pricing and Supply, Supervision of | 330 CMR 21 |
Milk Quality and Safety | 330 CMR 28 |
Milk, Raw | 330 CMR 27 |
Minimum Wage | 454 CMR 27 |
Minority and Women Business Assistance | 425 CMR |
Mobile Home Parks | 940 CMR 10 |
Model Rockets | 527 CMR 1 |
MOR-EV Program | 225 CMR 26 |
Mortality Tables | 211 CMR 32 211 CMR 39 211 CMR 57 211 CMR 58 |
Mortgage Brokers and Lenders (Unfair Practices) | 940 CMR 8 |
Mortgage Brokers and Lenders, Licensing of | 209 CMR 42 |
Mortgage Lender Community Investment | 209 CMR 54 |
Mortgage Loan Originators, Licensing of | 209 CMR 41 |
Motorboat Titles | 323 CMR 1 |
Motorboats and Outboard Motors -- Insurance | 211 CMR 10 |
Motor Vehicle Arbitration | 201 CMR 11 |
Motor Vehicle Glass Repair Shops -- Insurance Referrals | 211 CMR 135 |
Motor Vehicle Insurance Rates | 211 CMR 91 |
Motor Vehicle Regulations (Consumer Protection) | 940 CMR 5 |
Motor Vehicle Regulations (Registry of Motor Vehicles) | 540 CMR 2 |
Motor Vehicle Theft, Reporting | 211 CMR 75 |
Motor Vehicles for the Carriage of Passengers (Buses) | 220 CMR 155 |
Motor Vehicles -- Towing Rates | 220 CMR 272 |
Motorboats and Boating | 323 CMR 1, 2 |
Motorcycle Insurance | 211 CMR 3 |
Mt. Greylock State Reservation | 302 CMR 8 |
Municipal Health Coverage | 805 CMR 8 |
Municipal Harbor Plans | 301 CMR 23 |
Municipal Police Training Committee | 550 CMR |
Subject | Citation |
National Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspection | 522 CMR 15 |
National Electrical Code | NFPA-70 |
National Guard -- Hiring Tax Credit | 400 CMR 7 |
Nature Preserves | 321 CMR 11 |
Naturopathy, Board of Registration in | 273 CMR |
Neighborhood Preservation Area Program | 761 CMR 9 |
Net Metering | 220 CMR 18 |
Newborn Baby Blood Screening | 105 CMR 270 |
Nicole's Law | 527 CMR 1 |
Nicotine Ratings for Cigarettes and Smokeless Tobacco | 105 CMR 660 |
911 | 560 CMR 2 |
Nurses' Aides in Long-Term Care Facilities | 105 CMR 156 |
Nursing, Board of Registration in | 244 CMR |
Nursing Facilities -- Rates | 101 CMR 206 |
Nursing Facility User Fee | 101 CMR 512 |
Nursing Home Administrators, Board of Registration | 245 CMR |
Nursing Homes | 105 CMR 150 940 CMR 4 |
Nursing -- Temporary Nursing Agencies | 105 CMR 157 |
Nutrition Program for the Elderly | 651 CMR 4 |
Nutritionists and Dietitians | 268 CMR |
Subject | Citation |
Occupational Licensure, Division of | 230 CMR |
Occupational Therapy | 259 CMR 3 |
Ocean Management Plan | 301 CMR 28 |
Ocean Sanctuaries | 301 CMR 27 |
Oil and Hazardous Materials List -- Massachusetts | 310 CMR 40 |
Oil Spill Prevention and Response | 314 CMR 19 527 CMR 1 |
Old King's Highway Regional Historic District | 972 CMR |
Open-Dating ("sell-by" or "best-if-used-by" dates) | 105 CMR 500 |
Open Meetings | 940 CMR 29 |
Operational Services Division | 802 CMR |
Opticians, Board of Registration of Dispensing | 235 CMR |
Optometry, Board of Registration in | 246 CMR |
Orthotics, MassHealth | 130 CMR 442 |
Outdoor Advertising Board | 700 CMR 3 |
Subject | Citation |
Parachute Jumping | 702 CMR 4.15-4.16 |
Parking Rules and Penalties (Dept. of Conservation and Recreation) | 302 CMR 11 |
Parole Board | 120 CMR |
Parole Revocation | 120 CMR 303 |
Partnerships, Limited | 950 CMR 108 |
Patient Abuse -- Long-Term Care Facilities | 105 CMR 155 |
Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission | 555 CMR |
Pedestrian Rules (Dept. of Conservation and Recreation) | 302 CMR 11 |
Percolation Tests | 310 CMR 15.104 |
Perfusionists | 267 CMR |
Permitting Under MGL c. 43D, Expedited | 400 CMR 2 |
Persian Gulf War Bonus | 108 CMR 11 |
Personal Identifying Information, Collection of By Government Agencies | 801 CMR 8 |
Personal Information, Safeguard of | 940 CMR 27 |
Pesticide Board | 333 CMR |
Pesticide Storage -- Fire Prevention | 527 CMR 1 |
Pet Food | 330 CMR 13 |
Pet Ownership in Elderly/Handicapped Housing | 760 CMR 6.07 |
Pet Shops | 330 CMR 12 |
Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Manufacturer Conduct | 105 CMR 970 |
Pharmacists -- Dispensing Procedures | 105 CMR 722 |
Pharmacy, Board of Registration in | 247 CMR |
Pharmacy Services, MassHealth | 130 CMR 406 |
Photo Processors -- Industrial Wastewater Standards | 310 CMR 71 |
Physical Examinations of School Students | 105 CMR 200 |
Physical Therapy | 259 CMR 5 |
Physician Assistants, Board of Registration | 263 CMR |
Physicians -- Registration | 243 CMR |
Pigs | 330 CMR 11 |
Pilot Commissioners | 995 CMR |
Pipefitters and Refrigeration Technicians | 528 CMR |
Plant Pest Control | 330 CMR 9 |
Plastic Bags -- Warnings | 105 CMR 630 |
Plastics, Manufacture and Handling of | 527 CMR 1 |
Plumbers and Gas Fitters, Board of State Examiners | 248 CMR |
Plumbing Code, Uniform State | 248 CMR 10 |
Podiatry, Board of Registration in | 249 CMR |
Police Academies | 550 CMR 3 |
Police Details and Civilian Flaggers | 700 CMR 6 |
Political and Campaign Finance, Office of | 970 CMR |
Port Areas, Designation of | 301 CMR 25 |
POST Commission | 555 CMR |
Postpartum Depression Screening | 105 CMR 271 |
Potty Parity | 248 CMR 10.10(18) |
Poultry | 330 CMR 5 |
Poverty Level Income Standards | 130 CMR 501.001 |
Preferred Provider Arrangements and Plans | 211 CMR 51 |
Prescription Drugs -- Prescription Format & Security | 105 CMR 721 |
Prescription Drugs -- Administration in Schools | 105 CMR 210 |
Prescription Drugs -- Elders | 651 CMR 15 |
Prisons | 103 CMR |
Privacy and Confidentiality | 801 CMR 3 940 CMR 27 |
Procurement of Commodities and Services | 801 CMR 21 |
Professional Licensure | 230 CMR |
Propane Space Heaters | 527 CMR 1 |
Prosthetic Devices and Orthotic Devices -- Rates | 101 CMR 334 |
Psychiatric Services, MassHealth | 130 CMR 434 |
Psychiatric Services -- Rates | 101 CMR 307 |
Psychologist Services, MassHealth | 130 CMR 411 |
Psychologists, Board of Registration of | 251 CMR |
Public Accountancy, Board of Registration in | 252 CMR |
Public Benefit Determination -- Tidelands | 301 CMR 13 |
Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission | 840 CMR |
Public Health, Department of | 105 CMR |
Public Housing | 760 CMR |
Public Housing -- Eligibility and Selection | 760 CMR 5 |
Public Housing Innovation Demonstration Program | 760 CMR 63 |
Public Library Service | 605 CMR 4 |
Public Records Access | 950 CMR 32 |
Public Safety, Department of | 520 CMR |
Public Safety and Security, Executive Office of | 501 CMR |
Public Utilities, Department of | 220 CMR |
Public Utilities -- Billing and Termination Procedures | 220 CMR 25 |
Public Welfare (Dept. of Transitional Assistance) | 106 CMR |
Public Works | 720 CMR |
Purchased Services, Division of | 808 CMR |
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Last updated: | January 31, 2025 |