Code of Massachusetts Regulations K-P

CMR index for subjects K-P

Table of Contents


Kegs, Malt Beverages in 204 CMR 9 


Labor and Workforce Development, Dept. of 453 CMR
Labor and Workforce Development, Executive Office of429 CMR
Labor Relations, Department of 456 CMR
Labor Standards, Department of454 CMR
Land Acquisition, Environmental Affairs 301 CMR 51 
Land Surveyors, Board of Registration 250 CMR
Landfills 310 CMR 30.620 
Landlord-Tenant -- Unfair and Deceptive Acts 940 CMR 3.17 
Lands -- Disposition of State Surplus 946 CMR 2 
Landscape Architects, Board of Registration of 242 CMR
Lasers, Radiation 105 CMR 121 
Law Enforcement, Office of 323 CMR
Law enforcement records555 CMR 12
Lead -- Deleading 454 CMR 22 
Lead Exposure Liability Insurance 211 CMR 131 
Lead Paint Abatement Loan Program 760 CMR 14 
Lead Poisoning--Prevention and Control 105 CMR 460 
Legal Services Plans 211 CMR 90 
Lemon Law Arbitration 201 CMR 11 
LEOSA (Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act) 501 CMR 13 
515 CMR 6 
Librarians, Certification of 605 CMR 3 
Libraries -- Correctional Institutions 103 CMR 478 
Library Commissioners, Board of 605 CMR
Licenses or Learner's Permits -- Public Record Disclosure of Information940 CMR 37
Licensed Site Professionals (Hazardous Waste Cleanup) 309 CMR
Licenses, Permits and Services -- Fees to be Charged by State Agencies 801 CMR 4 
Life Insurance, Accelerated Benefits 211 CMR 55 
Life Insurance Actuarial Opinions 211 CMR 132 
Life Insurance Policies -- Valuation 211 CMR 29 
Life Insurance Solicitation 211 CMR 31 
Life Insurance, Variable 211 CMR 95 
Limited Liability Companies -- Insurance 211 CMR 24 
Limited Liability Companies and Partnerships 950 CMR 111 
950 CMR 112 
Limited Partnerships 950 CMR 108
Liquefied Petroleum Gas527 CMR 1 
Loan Agencies 209 CMR
Lock Up Facilities -- Maintenance and Construction 105 CMR 470 
Logan International Airport -- General Provision 740 CMR 21 
Long-Term Care Facilities, Licensing of 105 CMR 150
Long-Term Care Insurance 211 CMR 65
Long-Term Care Services, MassHealth 130 CMR 456 
Lottery Commission, State 961 CMR
Lottery Rules and Regulations 961 CMR 2 
Low-Income Housing 760 CMR
LPG527 CMR 1 


Mammography Facilities, Licensing of 105 CMR 127 
Managed Care Organizations 211 CMR 52  
Managed Care Requirements, MassHealth 130 CMR 508 
Marijuana, Medical and Recreational935 CMR
Marine Fisheries 322 CMR
Marine Insurance 211 CMR 10 
Marriage and Family Therapist --  Licensure 262 CMR 3 
MassAbility107 CMR
Massachusetts Business Corporation Act 950 CMR 113 
Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination 804 CMR
Massachusetts Contingency Plan 310 CMR 40 
Massachusetts Cultural Council 962 CMR
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency 946 CMR
Massachusetts Electrical Code 527 CMR 12 
Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) 301 CMR 11 
Massachusetts Gas Distribution Code 220 CMR 100 
Massachusetts Historical Commission 950 CMR 70 
Massachusetts Home Mortgage Finance Agency 761 CMR
Massachusetts Oil and Hazardous Material List 310 CMR 40 
Massachusetts Offers Rebates for Electric Vehicles (MOR-EV) Program225 CMR 26
Massachusetts Port Authority 740 CMR
Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (now MassAbility)107 CMR
Massachusetts Treatment Center 103 CMR 460 
Massachusetts Water Resources Authority 360 CMR
Massachusetts Water Resources Management Program 310 CMR 36 
Massage Therapy 269 CMR
MassHealth 130 CMR
Massport 740 CMR
Maternity Leave 804 CMR 8 
Mattresses 105 CMR 620 
MBTA Communities, Multi-family Zoning Requirement for760 CMR 72
Medicaid (MassHealth) 130 CMR 501 
Medical Assistance Program Providers 130 CMR 401 
Medical Qualifications to Drive 540 CMR 24 
Medical Research on Inmates 103 CMR 180 
Medical Treatment, Authorization for 110 CMR 11 
Medical Waste 105 CMR 480 
Medicare Supplement Insurance 211 CMR 71 
211 CMR 121 
Medication, Administration of, in Public and Private Schools 105 CMR 210 
105 CMR 700 
Medicine, Board of Registration in 243 CMR
Meningitis 105 CMR 221 
Mental Health Counselor -- Licensure 262 CMR 2 
Mental Health, Department of 104 CMR
Mental Health Facilities -- Investigations 104 CMR 32 
MEPA 301 CMR 11 
Mercury Components in Vehicles, Removal and Recycling 310 CMR 74 
Mercury Products, Collection of and Recycling 310 CMR 75 
Mercury Products in Solid Waste 310 CMR 76 
Merit Rating Plans and Safe Driver Insurance211 CMR 134
Migrant Workers -- Rights of Visitation 105 CMR 425 
Military -- Insurance 211 CMR 27 
Milk Pricing and Supply, Supervision of 330 CMR 21 
Milk Quality and Safety 330 CMR 28 
Milk, Raw 330 CMR 27  
Minimum Wage 454 CMR 27 
Minority and Women Business Assistance 425 CMR
Mobile Home Parks 940 CMR 10 
Model Rockets 527 CMR 1 
MOR-EV Program225 CMR 26
Mortality Tables 211 CMR 32 
211 CMR 39 
211 CMR 57 
211 CMR 58 
Mortgage Brokers and Lenders (Unfair Practices) 940 CMR 8 
Mortgage Brokers and Lenders, Licensing of 209 CMR 42 
Mortgage Lender Community Investment 209 CMR 54 
Mortgage Loan Originators, Licensing of 209 CMR 41 
Motorboat Titles 323 CMR 1 
Motorboats and Outboard Motors --  Insurance 211 CMR 10 
Motor Vehicle Arbitration 201 CMR 11 
Motor Vehicle Glass Repair Shops --  Insurance Referrals 211 CMR 135 
Motor Vehicle Insurance Rates 211 CMR 91 
Motor Vehicle Regulations (Consumer Protection) 940 CMR 5 
Motor Vehicle Regulations (Registry of Motor Vehicles) 540 CMR 2 
Motor Vehicle Theft, Reporting 211 CMR 75 
Motor Vehicles for the Carriage of Passengers (Buses) 220 CMR 155 
Motor Vehicles -- Towing Rates 220 CMR 272 
Motorboats and Boating 323 CMR 1, 2
Motorcycle Insurance 211 CMR 3 
Mt. Greylock State Reservation 302 CMR 8 
Municipal Health Coverage 805 CMR 8 
Municipal Harbor Plans 301 CMR 23 
Municipal Police Training Committee 550 CMR


National Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspection 522 CMR 15 
National Electrical Code NFPA-70
National Guard -- Hiring Tax Credit400 CMR 7
Nature Preserves 321 CMR 11 
Naturopathy, Board of Registration in273 CMR
Neighborhood Preservation Area Program 761 CMR 9 
Net Metering 220 CMR 18 
Newborn Baby Blood Screening 105 CMR 270 
Nicole's Law 527 CMR 1 
Nicotine Ratings for Cigarettes and Smokeless Tobacco 105 CMR 660 
911560 CMR 2 
Nurses' Aides in Long-Term Care Facilities 105 CMR 156 
Nursing, Board of Registration in 244 CMR
Nursing Facilities -- Rates 101 CMR 206 
Nursing Facility User Fee 101 CMR 512 
Nursing Home Administrators, Board of Registration 245 CMR 
Nursing Homes 105 CMR 150 
940 CMR 4 
Nursing -- Temporary Nursing Agencies 105 CMR 157 
Nutrition Program for the Elderly 651 CMR 4 
Nutritionists and Dietitians 268 CMR


Occupational Licensure, Division of230 CMR
Occupational Therapy 259 CMR 3 
Ocean Management Plan 301 CMR 28 
Ocean Sanctuaries 301 CMR 27 
Oil and Hazardous Materials List -- Massachusetts 310 CMR 40 
Oil Spill Prevention and Response 314 CMR 19 
527 CMR 1 
Old King's Highway Regional Historic District 972 CMR
Open-Dating ("sell-by" or "best-if-used-by" dates)105 CMR 500
Open Meetings 940 CMR 29 
Operational Services Division 802 CMR
Opticians, Board of Registration of Dispensing 235 CMR
Optometry, Board of Registration in 246 CMR
Orthotics, MassHealth 130 CMR 442 
Outdoor Advertising Board 700 CMR 3 


Parachute Jumping 702 CMR 4.15-4.16 
Parking Rules and Penalties (Dept. of Conservation and Recreation)302 CMR 11
Parole Board 120 CMR
Parole Revocation 120 CMR 303 
Partnerships, Limited 950 CMR 108
Patient Abuse -- Long-Term Care Facilities 105 CMR 155 
Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission555 CMR
Pedestrian Rules (Dept. of Conservation and Recreation)302 CMR 11
Percolation Tests 310 CMR 15.104 
Perfusionists 267 CMR
Permitting Under MGL c. 43D, Expedited 400 CMR 2 
Persian Gulf War Bonus 108 CMR 11
Personal Identifying Information, Collection of By Government Agencies801 CMR 8
Personal Information, Safeguard of 940 CMR 27 
Pesticide Board 333 CMR
Pesticide Storage -- Fire Prevention 527 CMR 1 
Pet Food 330 CMR 13 
Pet Ownership in Elderly/Handicapped Housing 760 CMR 6.07   
Pet Shops 330 CMR 12 
Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Manufacturer Conduct 105 CMR 970 
Pharmacists -- Dispensing Procedures 105 CMR 722 
Pharmacy, Board of Registration in 247 CMR
Pharmacy Services, MassHealth 130 CMR 406 
Photo Processors -- Industrial Wastewater Standards 310 CMR 71 
Physical Examinations of School Students 105 CMR 200 
Physical Therapy 259 CMR 5 
Physician Assistants, Board of Registration 263 CMR
Physicians -- Registration 243 CMR
Pigs 330 CMR 11 
Pilot Commissioners995 CMR
Pipefitters and Refrigeration Technicians 528 CMR
Plant Pest Control 330 CMR 9 
Plastic Bags -- Warnings 105 CMR 630 
Plastics, Manufacture and Handling of527 CMR 1 
Plumbers and Gas Fitters, Board of State Examiners 248 CMR
Plumbing Code, Uniform State 248 CMR 10  
Podiatry, Board of Registration in 249 CMR
Police Academies 550 CMR 3 
Police Details and Civilian Flaggers 700 CMR 6
Political and Campaign Finance, Office of 970 CMR
Port Areas, Designation of 301 CMR 25 
POST Commission555 CMR
Postpartum Depression Screening105 CMR 271 
Potty Parity 248 CMR 10.10(18) 
Poultry 330 CMR 5 
Poverty Level Income Standards 130 CMR 501.001 
Preferred Provider Arrangements and Plans 211 CMR 51 
Prescription Drugs -- Prescription Format & Security105 CMR 721 
Prescription Drugs -- Administration in Schools 105 CMR 210 
Prescription Drugs -- Elders 651 CMR 15 
Prisons 103 CMR
Privacy and Confidentiality 801 CMR 3 
940 CMR 27 
Procurement of Commodities and Services 801 CMR 21
Professional Licensure230 CMR
Propane Space Heaters 527 CMR 1 
Prosthetic Devices and Orthotic Devices -- Rates 101 CMR 334 
Psychiatric Services, MassHealth 130 CMR 434 
Psychiatric Services -- Rates 101 CMR 307
Psychologist Services, MassHealth 130 CMR 411 
Psychologists, Board of Registration of 251 CMR
Public Accountancy, Board of Registration in 252 CMR
Public Benefit Determination --  Tidelands 301 CMR 13 
Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission840 CMR
Public Health, Department of 105 CMR
Public Housing 760 CMR
Public Housing -- Eligibility and Selection 760 CMR 5 
Public Housing Innovation Demonstration Program 760 CMR 63 
Public Library Service 605 CMR 4 
Public Records Access 950 CMR 32 
Public Safety, Department of 520 CMR
Public Safety and Security, Executive Office of 501 CMR
Public Utilities, Department of 220 CMR
Public Utilities -- Billing and Termination Procedures 220 CMR 25 
Public Welfare (Dept. of Transitional Assistance) 106 CMR
Public Works 720 CMR
Purchased Services, Division of 808 CMR

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Last updated: January 31, 2025

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