Subject | Citations |
Safe driver insurance plan | 211 CMR 134 See Also: Law About Auto Insurance |
Safe harbors (liability of limited partners) | MGL c. 109, § 19 |
Safe haven law | MGL c. 119, § 39 1/2 |
Sandy's law (criminal harassment) | MGL c. 265, § 43A |
Sanitary Code, adoption | MGL c. 111, §§ 127A-127O |
| 105 CMR 410 |
Saving statute (limitations of actions) | MGL c. 260 § 32 |
Scalping (resale of tickets) | See: Law About Ticket Reselling |
School attendance | MGL c. 76 |
School choice law | MGL c. 76, §§ 12-12C |
Sean's Law (minimum age to ride ATV is 14) | MGL c. 90B, § 26 |
Seat belt laws | MGL c. 90, § 1 MGL c. 90, § 7A MGL c. 90, § 7AA MGL c. 90, § 13A |
Section 12, Section 16, and Section 35 commitment (mental health laws) | MGL c. 123, § 12 MGL c. 123, § 16 MGL c. 123, § 35 |
Security deposit | See: Law About Security Deposits |
Seizure of bank accounts | MGL c. 246, § 28A |
Septic systems (Title 5) | See: Law About Title 5 |
Sex Offenders and Sex Offender Registry | See: Law About Sex Offenders |
"Sham affidavit" rule | Benvenuto v. 204 Hanover, LLC, 97 Mass. App. Ct. 140, 144 (2020) |
Shield law (protections for reproductive and gender-affirming care) | St. 2022, c. 127 |
Silver Alert | MGL c. 6A, § 18L |
Simultaneous death law | MGL c. 190B, § 2-702 |
Slamming (unauthorized switching of service providers) | MGL c. 93, §§ 108-113 |
SLAPP suits (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation) | See: Law About Anti-SLAPP |
Slayer Statute | MGL c. 265, § 46 |
Slow Down, Move Over Law | MGL c. 89, § 7C |
Smoke-Free workplace | MGL c. 270, § 22 |
Smoking bar permit | 830 CMR 270.1.1 |
Snob zoning law | MGL c.40B, § 20, § 21, § 22, § 23 760 CMR 56 |
Social host-providing alcohol to minors | MGL c. 138, § 34 |
Son of Sam law (profits from crimes, struck down in Mass.) | Opinion of the Justices to the Senate, 436 Mass. 1201 (2002) |
Special education law ("Chapter 766") | See: Law About Special Education |
SPEED Act (easing relocation requirements for military families) | St. 2022, c. 154 |
Speedy trial | MGL c. 212, § 24 |
| Mass. Rules Crim. Proc., R. 36 |
| MGL c. 220, § 13A |
| MGL c. 231, §§ 59A - 59G |
Spite fence | MGL c. 49, § 21 |
Sports betting (wagering) | MGL c. 23N 205 CMR 202 et seq. |
Squatters' rights (adverse possession) | MGL c. 260, §§ 21-31 |
Stalking law | MGL c. 265, § 43 |
State Building Code | MGL c. 143, § 1 MGL c. 143, § 3A MGL c. 143, §§ 92-100 780 CMR |
State Sanitary Code, adoption | MGL c. 111, §§ 127A-127O |
| 105 CMR 410 |
Statute of frauds | MGL c. 259 |
Statute of limitations -Civil | MGL c. 260 |
Statute of limitations-Criminal | MGL c. 277, §§ 63 & 64 |
Statute of limitations-Probate | MGL c. 190B, §§ 3-802 , 3-803 , 3-804 |
Statutory rape (Rape of child) | MGL c. 265, §§ 23, 23A & 23B |
| MGL c. 265, §§ 22A, 22B & 22C |
| MGL c. 272, § 4 |
Stem Cell Research | See: Law About Stem Cell Research |
STEP act (Substance Use, Treatment, Education, & Prevention) | St. 2016, c. 52 |
Stolen Valor Act | MGL c. 272, § 106 |
Stop and frisk | MGL c. 41, § 98 |
Storage facilities, Self-service | MGL c. 105A |
Strict liability dog bite statute | MGL c. 140, § 155 |
Student opportunity act | St. 2019, c. 132 |
Subdivision control | MGL c. 41, §§ 81K - 81GG |
Sunday laws (Blue Laws) | Mass. Blue Laws |
Subject | Citations |
Tagging law (graffiti) | MGL c. 266, § 126A MGL c. 266, § 126B |
Tape recording private conversations (eavesdropping/wiretapping) | MGL c. 272, § 99 |
Target lien bond | MGL c. 254, § 14 |
Tasers | MGL c. 140, § 131J |
Teachers' equal pay | MGL c. 71, § 40 |
Telehealth | MGL c. 112, § 5O |
Telemarketing solicitation ("Do Not Call") | See: Law About Telemarketing |
Term papers, selling | MGL c. 271, § 50 |
Three day wait for marriage | MGL c. 207, § 19 |
Time share law | MGL c. 183B |
Tips Act | MGL c. 149, § 152A |
Title 5 (septic systems) | See: Law About Title 5 |
Tort claims against state and local government | MGL c. 258 |
| 815 CMR 5 |
Towing | MGL c. 40, § 22D |
| MGL c. 159B, § 6B |
| 220 CMR 272 |
| MGL c. 266, § 120D |
Trade secrets, stealing | MGL c. 93, §§ 42-43, MGL c. 266, § 30(4) |
Traffic signals | MGL c. 85, § 2 700 CMR 9 |
Travel seller law | 940 CMR 15.06 |
Trespass | MGL c. 266, § 120 |
Trigger cranks | MGL c. 140, § 121 |
Truth in lending (Mass. only) | MGL c. 140D, §§ 1-35 |
| 209 CMR 32 |
| 209 CMR 42 |
| 209 CMR 40 |
Turning 22 law | St. 1984, c. 688 |
Subject | Citations |
Unemployment compensation | See: Law About Unemployment |
Unfair competition (Mass. Antitrust Act) | MGL c. 93 |
Unfair & deceptive practices in consumer transactions | 209 CMR 40 |
Unfair debt collection | See: Law About Debt Collection |
Unfair Sales Act | MGL c. 93, §§ 14E-14K |
Uniform Adult Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Jurisdiction Act | MGL c. 190B, Art. 5A |
Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act | MGL c. 209B |
Uniform Commercial Code | MGL c.106 |
| 950 CMR 140 |
Uniform Durable Power of Attorney | MGL c. 190B, Art. V, Pt. 5 |
Uniform Electronic Transactions Act | MGL c. 110G |
Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act | MGL c. 109A |
Uniform Interstate Family Support Act | MGL c. 209D |
Uniform Probate Code | MGL c. 190B |
Uniform State Plumbing Code | 248 CMR 10 |
Uniform Transfers to Minors (gifts to minors) | MGL c. 201A |
Upskirting | MGL c. 272, § 105 |
Used & new car lemon laws | MGL c. 90, § 7N 1/4 MGL c. 90, § 7N 1/2 |
| MGL c. 90, § 7N |
| 201 CMR 11 |
| 940 CMR 5 |
| Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation |
Subject | Citations |
Veterans' preference in civil service | MGL c. 31, § 26 MGL c. 31, §§ 28-48 MGL c. 31, § 58A MGL c. 31, § 59 |
Veterans' preference in public employment | MGL c. 41, § 112 |
| Personnel Administration Rules |
Victims and witnesses rights and compensation | See: Law About Victims and Witnesses |
Video voyeurism | MGL c. 272, § 105 |
VOTES act | St. 2022, c. 92 |
Vulnerable Road Users Laws | St. 2022, c. 358 |
Subject | Citations |
Wages | See: Law About Wages |
Wages, garnishment | MGL c. 246, §§ 28-28A |
Wages, minimum | See: Law About Minimum Wage |
Weekly wage payment | MGL c. 149, §§ 148-159C |
Weingarten rights | NLRB v. Weingarten, 420 US 251 (1975) |
Welcome Home law (tuition and benefits for vets) | St. 2005, c. 130 |
Wetlands protection | MGL c. 131, § 40 & § 40A |
| 301 CMR 10 |
| MGL c. 252 |
| 310 CMR 10 |
| 310 CMR 10 Appendix |
Wheelchair lemon law | MGL c. 93, § 107 201 CMR 19 |
Whistleblowers' law | MGL c. 149, § 148A MGL c. 149, § 185 MGL c. 149, § 187 |
| 105 CMR 155 |
| MGL c. 111, § 72G |
Wine re-corking | MGL c. 138, § 12 204 CMR 2.18 |
Wiretapping/Eavesdropping (including tape recording private conversations) | MGL c. 272, § 99 |
Work and Family Mobility Act (WFMA) | St. 2022, c. 81 |
Workers' compensation | See: Law About Workers' Compensation |
Subject | Citations |
Yolanda's Law (children's mental health) | St. 2008, c. 321 |
Subject | Citations |
Zoning | See: Law About Zoning |
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Last updated: | February 5, 2025 |