Laws by popular name S-Z

An index to Massachusetts laws with popular names S-Z

Table of Contents


Subject Citations
Safe driver insurance plan 211 CMR 134 
See Also: Law About Auto Insurance
Safe harbors (liability of limited partners) MGL c. 109, § 19
Safe haven law MGL c. 119, § 39 1/2
Sandy's law (criminal harassment) MGL c. 265, § 43A
Sanitary Code, adoption MGL c. 111, §§ 127A-127O
  • Sanitary Code, Ch.II, Standards of Fitness for Human Habitation
105 CMR 410 
Saving statute (limitations of actions) MGL c. 260 § 32
Scalping (resale of tickets) See: Law About Ticket Reselling
School attendance MGL c. 76
School choice law MGL c. 76, §§ 12-12C
Sean's Law (minimum age to ride ATV is 14) MGL c. 90B, § 26
Seat belt laws MGL c. 90, § 1
MGL c. 90, § 7A 
MGL c. 90, § 7AA
MGL c. 90, § 13A
Section 12, Section 16, and Section 35 commitment (mental health laws) MGL c. 123, § 12
MGL c. 123, § 16
MGL c. 123, § 35
Security deposit See: Law About Security Deposits
Seizure of bank accounts MGL c. 246, § 28A
Septic systems (Title 5) See: Law About Title 5
Sex Offenders and Sex Offender Registry See: Law About Sex Offenders
"Sham affidavit" ruleBenvenuto v. 204 Hanover, LLC, 97 Mass. App. Ct. 140, 144 (2020) 
Shield law (protections for reproductive and gender-affirming care)St. 2022, c. 127
Silver Alert MGL c. 6A, § 18L
Simultaneous death law MGL c. 190B, § 2-702
Slamming (unauthorized switching of service providers) MGL c. 93, §§ 108-113
SLAPP suits (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation) See: Law About Anti-SLAPP
Slayer Statute MGL c. 265, § 46
Slow Down, Move Over Law MGL c. 89, § 7C
Smoke-Free workplace MGL c. 270, § 22
Smoking bar permit 830 CMR 270.1.1
Snob zoning law MGL c.40B, § 20, § 21, § 22, § 23
760 CMR 56 
Social host-providing alcohol to minors MGL c. 138, § 34
Son of Sam law (profits from crimes, struck down in Mass.) Opinion of the Justices to the Senate, 436 Mass. 1201 (2002)
Special education law ("Chapter 766") See: Law About Special Education
SPEED Act (easing relocation requirements for military families)St. 2022, c. 154
Speedy trial MGL c. 212, § 24
  • Case management
Mass. Rules Crim. Proc., R. 36
  • Contempt cases
MGL c. 220, § 13A
  • Speedy trial for certain cases
MGL c. 231, §§ 59A - 59G
Spite fence MGL c. 49, § 21
Sports betting (wagering)MGL c. 23N
205 CMR 202 et seq.
Squatters' rights (adverse possession) MGL c. 260, §§ 21-31
Stalking law MGL c. 265, § 43
State Building Code MGL c. 143, § 1
MGL c. 143, § 3A
MGL c. 143, §§ 92-100
780 CMR
State Sanitary Code, adoption MGL c. 111, §§ 127A-127O
  • Sanitary Code, Ch.II, Standards of Fitness for Human Habitation
105 CMR 410 
Statute of frauds MGL c. 259
Statute of limitations -Civil MGL c. 260
Statute of limitations-Criminal MGL c. 277, §§ 63 & 64
Statute of limitations-Probate MGL c. 190B, §§ 3-802 3-803 3-804
Statutory rape (Rape of child) MGL c. 265, §§ 23, 23A & 23B
  • Rape of child (Use of force)
MGL c. 265, §§ 22A, 22B & 22C
  • Inducing person under 18 to have intercourse 
MGL c. 272, § 4
Stem Cell Research See: Law About Stem Cell Research
STEP act (Substance Use, Treatment, Education, & Prevention)St. 2016, c. 52
Stolen Valor ActMGL c. 272, § 106
Stop and frisk MGL c. 41, § 98
Storage facilities, Self-service MGL c. 105A
Strict liability dog bite statuteMGL c. 140, § 155
Student opportunity actSt. 2019, c. 132
Subdivision control MGL c. 41, §§ 81K - 81GG
Sunday laws (Blue Laws) Mass. Blue Laws  


Subject Citations
Tagging law (graffiti) MGL c. 266, § 126A
MGL c. 266, § 126B
Tape recording private conversations (eavesdropping/wiretapping) MGL c. 272, § 99
Target lien bondMGL c. 254, § 14
Tasers MGL c. 140, § 131J
Teachers' equal pay MGL c. 71, § 40
TelehealthMGL c. 112, § 5O
Telemarketing solicitation ("Do Not Call") See: Law About Telemarketing
Term papers, selling MGL c. 271, § 50
Three day wait for marriage MGL c. 207, § 19
Time share law MGL c. 183B
Tips ActMGL c. 149, § 152A
Title 5 (septic systems) See: Law About Title 5
Tort claims against state and local government MGL c. 258
  • Settlements and judgments
815 CMR 5 
Towing MGL c. 40, § 22D
  • Maximum charges for towing & storage
MGL c. 159B, § 6B
  • Rates for towing motor vehicles
220 CMR 272 
  • Removal of vehicles from private property
MGL c. 266, § 120D
Trade secrets, stealing MGL c. 93, §§ 42-43,
MGL c. 266, § 30(4)
Traffic signals MGL c. 85, § 2
700 CMR 9 
Travel seller law940 CMR 15.06
Trespass MGL c. 266, § 120
Trigger cranksMGL c. 140, § 121
Truth in lending (Mass. only) MGL c. 140D, §§ 1-35
  • Disclosure of consumer credit costs & terms
209 CMR 32 
  • Licensing of mortgage lenders & brokers
209 CMR 42 
  • Unfair & deceptive practices in consumer transactions
209 CMR 40 
Turning 22 lawSt. 1984, c. 688


Subject Citations
Unemployment compensation See: Law About Unemployment
Unfair competition (Mass. Antitrust Act) MGL c. 93
Unfair & deceptive practices in consumer transactions 209 CMR 40 
Unfair debt collection See: Law About Debt Collection
Unfair Sales Act MGL c. 93, §§ 14E-14K
Uniform Adult Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Jurisdiction ActMGL c. 190B, Art. 5A
Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act MGL c. 209B
Uniform Commercial Code MGL c.106
  • Practice & procedure relative to revised Article 9 of UCC 
950 CMR 140 
Uniform Durable Power of Attorney MGL c. 190B, Art. V, Pt. 5
Uniform Electronic Transactions ActMGL c. 110G
Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act MGL c. 109A
Uniform Interstate Family Support Act MGL c. 209D
Uniform Probate Code MGL c. 190B
Uniform State Plumbing Code 248 CMR 10 
Uniform Transfers to Minors (gifts to minors) MGL c. 201A
UpskirtingMGL c. 272, § 105
Used & new car lemon laws MGL c. 90, § 7N 1/4
MGL c. 90, § 7N 1/2
  • Lemon aid law (voiding sale contracts)
MGL c. 90, § 7N
  • Motor vehicle arbitration
201 CMR 11 
  • Motor vehicle sales & repair shop regulations
940 CMR 5 
  • Private party sales
Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation


Subject Citations
Veterans' preference in civil service MGL c. 31, § 26
MGL c. 31, §§ 28-48
MGL c. 31, § 58A
MGL c. 31, § 59
Veterans' preference in public employment MGL c. 41, § 112
  • Regulations
Personnel Administration Rules 
Victims and witnesses rights and compensation See: Law About Victims and Witnesses
Video voyeurism MGL c. 272, § 105
VOTES actSt. 2022, c. 92
Vulnerable Road Users LawsSt. 2022, c. 358


Subject Citations
Wages See: Law About Wages
Wages, garnishment MGL c. 246, §§ 28-28A
Wages, minimum See: Law About Minimum Wage
Weekly wage payment MGL c. 149, §§ 148-159C
Weingarten rights NLRB v. Weingarten, 420 US 251 (1975)
Welcome Home law (tuition and benefits for vets) St. 2005, c. 130
Wetlands protection MGL c. 131, § 40 & § 40A
  • Densely developed areas
301 CMR 10 
  • Improvement of lowlands and swamps
MGL c. 252
  • Wetlands regulations
310 CMR 10 
  • Wildlife habitat
310 CMR 10 Appendix 
Wheelchair lemon law MGL c. 93, § 107
201 CMR 19
Whistleblowers' law MGL c. 149, § 148A
MGL c. 149, § 185
MGL c. 149, § 187
  • Patient & resident abuse prevention, reporting regulations
105 CMR 155 
  • Reporting abuse of patients in long term care facilities
MGL c. 111, § 72G
Wine re-corking MGL c. 138, § 12
204 CMR 2.18 
Wiretapping/Eavesdropping (including tape recording private conversations) MGL c. 272, § 99
Work and Family Mobility Act (WFMA)St. 2022, c. 81
Workers' compensation See: Law About Workers' Compensation


Subject Citations
Yolanda's Law (children's mental health) St. 2008, c. 321


Subject Citations
Zoning See: Law About Zoning

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Last updated: February 5, 2025

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