Best bet
What to do if you’ve become unemployed in Massachusetts, Mass. Dept. of Unemployment Assistance.
Explains what you need to do and when. You can:
- Apply for unemployment benefits
Most claims are processed within 21-28 days after filing. - Check your eligibility for unemployment benefits
- Use an online calculator to help you estimate how much you may receive
Appealing a denial of benefits
Appeal your unemployment benefits decision, Mass. Dept. of Unemployment Assistance.
Was your claim for Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits denied? Learn how to request an appeal.
Massachusetts laws
MGL c. 151A Employment and training
MGL c. 149, § 52C Personnel records; review by employee; corrections; penalty
Access to employee personnel file for unemployment insurance purposes.
MGL c. 151A, § 30 Total unemployment benefits for the year
MGL c. 152, § 36B Effect on worker's compensation eligibility
Massachusetts regulations
430 CMR Department of Employment and Training
801 CMR 1 Adjudicatory rules of practice and procedure
Note: Unemployment benefits are included as a source of income in the Child support guidelines.
Federal laws
26 USC §§ 3301 et seq. Federal unemployment tax act
42 USC § 503 Requirements for state unemployment laws
Federal regulations
20 CFR 640 Promptness standard for benefit payment
20 CFR 650 Promptness standard for benefit appeals
45 CFR 302.65 Withholding of unemployment compensation for child support
Selected cases
Web sources
Frequently asked questions
Can I get Unemployment Insurance in Massachusetts?, Mass. Legal Help, 2023.
Can I get Unemployment Insurance if I left my job because of domestic violence?, Mass. Legal Help, 2023.
Yes, you can get Unemployment Insurance in Massachusetts if you had to leave your job or were fired because of circumstances resulting from domestic violence.
Has the DUA asked you to return money they paid you?, Mass. Legal Help, 2023.
If the Department of Unemployment Assistance says that you were overpaid, you can challenge the decision, or the amount of the overpayment. Even if you agree that you were overpaid, you may not have to pay it back if you meet certain conditions.
How do I appeal my unemployment benefits denial to the court?, Mass. Legal Services.
Explains how to appeal a final decision of the Board of Review. Appendix M includes a sample complaint for judicial review. See also the 2023 Unemployment Advocacy Guide.
How do I get an extension of my unemployment benefits? Mass. Legal Help, 2023.
The Department of Unemployment Assistance (DUA) supports unemployed workers who need training to get work.
- DUA could pay you up to 26 extra weeks while you get training from a program approved by DUA’s Training Opportunities Program (TOP).
Additional web sources
Board of Review decisions, Mass. Board of Review.
The Board decides unemployment appeals from hearings conducted by the Department of Unemployment Assistance. Only selected, key opinions are posted by the Board and updated on an on-going basis.
DUA adjudication handbook, 2020 ed. Mass. Legal Services.
Covers eligibility and determinations of unemployment benefits in great detail.
Employer responsibilities during the unemployment claims process, Mass. Dept. of Unemployment Assistance.
As an employer, learn about what you can do to promote an effective unemployment benefits claims process.
A guide to benefits and employment services for claimants, Executive Office of Labor & Workforce Development, June 2023.
Includes an overview of your rights and responsibilities, help in finding a job, how benefits are determined, contact information and more.
Learn about tax treatment of unemployment compensation, Mass. Dept. of Revenue.
Find out how unemployment benefits are treated for tax purposes in Massachusetts.
MassHire JobQuest, Executive Office of Labor & Workforce Development.
A free online service of the state to help you search for and find a job.
Report unemployment benefits fraud, Mass. Dept. of Unemployment Assistance.
If you believe someone is using your identity to falsely claim unemployment benefits, learn how to report the fraud and what to do to protect yourself.
Unemployment advocacy guide, Mass. Law Reform Institute, 2023.
PDF version of the well-respected book, which covers eligibility, receiving benefits, the appeals process, sample complaint, sample forms and more.
Unemployment insurance for employers, Mass. Dept. of Unemployment Assistance.
Explains requirements, information and responsibilities of unemployment insurance for employers. Includes the downloadable Employer’s guide to unemployment insurance.
Print sources
Employment law, 3rd ed. (Mass Practice v. 45) West Group with supplement. Sections 17.11 – 17.19. Unemployment benefits.
Labor and employment in Massachusetts, by Jeffrey Hirsch, 2nd ed., Lexis Law Publishing, loose-leaf. Chapter 19.
Massachusetts employment Law, 5th ed., MCLE, 2020. Volume 2, chapter 33, with supplements.
What to do about personnel problems in Massachusetts, Business and Legal Reports, loose-leaf, under heading "Unemployment compensation."
Contact for Massachusetts law about unemployment
Last updated: | January 6, 2025 |