Executive Order

Executive Order  No. 45: Designating November 28, 1963 as Thanksgiving Day and Special Day in Honor of the Assassinated President John F. Kennedy

Date: 11/27/1963
Issuer: Endicott Peabody

Table of Contents

WHEREAS, on October 25, 1963, a Proclamation setting aside November 28, 1963, as a day of Thanksgiving and Prayer was signed by me; and

WHEREAS, since that date Our Beloved President, John F. Kennedy, was tragically assassinated.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, ENDICOTT PEABODY, Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, do hereby issue this Executive Order:

The Proclamation setting aside November 28, 1963, as a day of Thanksgiving and Prayer, dated October 25, 1963, is hereby rescinded and in its stead a new Proclamation issued this date setting aside November 28, 1963, as a day of Thanksgiving and Prayer be read and posted.

GIVEN at the Executive Chamber in Boston, this twenty-seventh day of November, in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-three, and of the Independence of the United States of America, the one hundred and eighty- eighth.


Secretary of the Commonwealth

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