Executive Order

Executive Order  No. 57: Establishing a Governor's Advisory Council on Transportation

Date: 03/27/1968
Issuer: John A. Volpe
Amended by: Executive Order 72
Amended by: Executive Order 82

Table of Contents

WHEREAS, a system of efficient, modern transportation in the Commonwealth is vitally important to the occupational needs and recreational welfare of its citizens, the development of business and industry, and the economic health of its 351 cities and towns;

WHEREAS, such an advanced system of transportation is dependent upon a variety of public and private modes of travel;

WHEREAS, planning, cooperation, and coordination at the highest levels are essential to the development of the most efficient state-wide transportation system possible; WHEREAS, it is essential that the transportation needs of the Commonwealth be a major concern and responsibility of the government of the Commonwealth, acting through its appropriate agencies;

NOW, THEREFORE, by all the authority vested in me, I do hereby issue this order.

  1. There is hereby created a council to be known as the Governor's Advisory Council on Transportation consisting of representatives of the City of Boston, Massachusetts Aeronautics Commission, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Massachusetts Port Authority, Massachusetts Turnpike Authority, Metropolitan District Commission, railroads serving Massachusetts, State Commission on Administration and Finance, State Department of Public Works, State Department of Commerce and Development, and State Department of Public Utilities.
  2. It shall be the duty of the Council
    • a) To collect, review, analyze, and make available to the Governor on a continuing basis all information relating to present and projected plans and programs of all state agencies and departments, political subdivisions of the Commonwealth having responsibilities for transportation, as well as the proposals of private groups concerned with transportation.
    • b) To suggest priorities for action, and to assist public and private agencies in their efforts to coordinate planning programs for an efficient state-wide system of land, sea, and air transportation.
    • c) To assist in proposing and supporting the legislation and financing needed to implement the suggested programs.
    • d) To advise the Governor on all matters relating to the improvement and modernization of transportation in Massachusetts.

Given at the Executive Chamber in Boston this twenty-seventh day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight and of the Independence of the United States of America, one hundred and ninety-third.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Secretary of the Commonwealth

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