Executive Order

Executive Order  No. 93: Establishing a Governor's Highway Safety Bureau

Date: 07/31/1972
Issuer: Francis W. Sargent
Revoked and Superseded by: Executive Order 508

Table of Contents

WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States enacted the Highway Safety Act of 1966 and Section 402 (b) (1) (A) of Title 23, United States Code designated the Governor of each of the fifty states as responsible for the administration of any Highway Safety Programs conducted thereunder; and

WHEREAS, section 203 of the Highway Safety Act of 1970 amended section 402 (b) (1) (A) of Title 23, United States Code by further requiring the designation of a separate, suitably equipped, and responsible State Agency within the Executive Department subject to the jurisdiction of the Governor to perform the administration, coordination, planning, research, program development and related functions for the Highway Safety Program of each of the fifty states;

NOW THEREFORE, I, Francis W. Sargent, Governor of the Commonwealth, by virtue of the authority vested in me as supreme executive magistrate, do hereby establish a Governor's Highway Safety Bureau to be funded by federal grants. I further order as follows:

(1) The Governor's Highway Safety Bureau, hereinafter referred to as the Bureau, is hereby designated the State Highway Safety agency for the Commonwealth, pursuant to section 203 of the Highway Safety Act of 1970.

(2) The Bureau shall be administered by a Director appointed by the Governor who shall also serve as the Governor's Highway Safety Representative in accordance with the Federal Highway Safety Act of 1970. The Bureau shall have a staff of adequate size and competence to accomplish required administration, coordination, program planning, and evaluation with each of the major state operational agencies and with local governmental agencies.

(3) It shall be the responsibility of the Bureau to ad- vise the Governor on all phases of highway safety in the Commonwealth and to

(a) Prepare, develop, and revise comprehensive plans based on an evaluation of highway safety problems within the state;

(b) Define, develop, and correlate annual work programs under such comprehensive plans;

(c) Establish priorities for highway safety improvement in the State;

(d) Provide information to prospective aid recipients on the benefits of the program and procedures for participation;

(e) Encourage local units of government to improve their highway safety planning and administrative efforts;

(f) Evaluate the implementation of State and local highway safety plans and programs;

(g) Monitor progress and audit expenditures of Federal Highway Safety funds by State and local agencies;

(h) Coordinate the State's highway safety program plan with other Federally and non-Federally supported programs relating to or having impact on highway safety;

(i) Collect statistics and other data relevant to highway safety in the Commonwealth as required by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and/or the Federal Highway Administration.

(j) Assure that at least the required percentage of all Federal funds apportioned under this program for any fiscal year are used by local governments or combinations of units of local governments;

(k) Make final decisions for the State and enter into contracts and agreements on behalf of the Commonwealth for Federally funded highway safety projects;

(l) Represent the Commonwealth in all other matters coming under the purview of the Highway Safety Act.

Given at the Executive Chamber in Boston this thirty-first day of July in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventy- two and of the Independence of the United States of America, one hundred and ninety-seventh.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Secretary of the Commonwealth

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