These publications are all available from the authors or from the Annisquam River Marine Fisheries Station at (978) 282-0308.
Technical reports list
- TR-82: Sheppard, J.J., and B.C. Chase. 2024. Massachusetts American Shad and River Herring Monitoring Report: 2019.
- TR-81: Nelson, G. A. 2023. Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report for 2022.
- TR-80: Sheppard, J.J., C. Reusch, C. Rhodes, M. Gendron, and E. Perry. 2023. River Herring Spawning and Nursery Habitat Assessment: Acushnet River Watershed, 2019-2020.
- TR-79: Nelson, G. A. 2022. Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report for 2021.
- TR-78: Chase, B.C., and C. Reusch. 2022. River Herring Spawning and Nursery Habitat Assessment: Mattapoisett River Watershed, 2013-2014.
- TR-77: Archer, A.F., and Chase, B.C. 2022. River Herring Spawning and Nursery Habitat Assessment: Tom Matthews Pond, Yarmouth, MA, 2012-2013.
- TR-76: Nelson, G. A. 2021. Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report for 2020.
- TR-75: Nelson, G. A. 2020. Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report for 2019.
- TR-74: Schondelmeier, B. P., W. S. Hoffman. 2020. Characterization of the Massachusetts Spring Longfin Squid Fishery.
- TR-73: B. C. Chase, J. J. Sheppard, B. I. Gahagan, and S. M. Turner. 2020. Quality Assurance Program Plan (QAPP) for Water Quality Measurements for Diadromous Fish Monitoring
- TR-72: Livermore, J., B. C. Chase, M. Bednarski, and S. Turner. 2020. River Herring Spawning and Nursery Habitat Assessment: Mill River Watershed, 2012-2014.
- TR-71: Pugh, T. L., and R. P. Glenn. 2020. Random Stratified Ventless Trap Survey for American Lobster 2006-2016.
- TR-70: Nelson, G. A. 2019. Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report for 2018.
- TR-69: Whitmore, K. A., E. M. Moore, and E. J. Brewer. 2019. Characterization of Fishing Activity and Trap Loss in the Massachusetts Recreational American Lobster Fishery.
- TR-68: Nelson, G. A. 2018. Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report for 2017.
- TR-67: Chosid, D. M., M. Pol, B. P. Schondelmeier, and M. Griffin. 2019. Early Opening Experimental Fishery for Silver Hake/ Whiting in Small Mesh Area 1 and the Western Raised Footrope Exemption Area.
- TR-66: Nelson, G. A., S. H. Wilcox, R. Glenn, and T. L. Pugh. 2018. A Stock Assessment of Channeled Whelk (Busycotypus canaliculatus) in Nantucket Sound, Massachusetts.
- TR-65: Nelson, G. A. 2017. Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report for 2016.
- TR-64: Nelson, G. A. 2016. Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report for 2015.
- TR-62: Nelson, G. A. 2015. Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report for 2014.
- TR-61: Nelson, G. A., J. Boardman, and P. Caruso. 2015. Massachusetts striped bass tagging programs 1991–2014.
- TR-60: Nelson, G. A. and J. Stritzel-Thomson. 2015. Summary of recreational fishery data for striped bass collected by volunteer anglers in Massachusetts.
- TR-59: Nelson, G. A. 2015. Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report for 2013.
- TR-58: Elzey, S. P., K. J. Trull, and K. A. Rogers. 2015. Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries Age and Growth Laboratory: Fish Aging Protocols.
- TR-57: Chase, B. C., K. Ferry, and C. Pawlowski. 2015. River herring spawning and nursery habitat assessment: Fore River Watershed 2008–2010.
- TR-56: Sheppard, J.J., S. Block, H.L. Becker, and D. Quinn. 2014. The Acushnet River restoration project: Restoring diadromous populations to a Superfund Site in Southeastern Massachusetts.
- TR-55: Nelson, G.A. 2013. Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report for 2012.
- TR-54: Chase, B.C., A. Mansfield, and P. duBois. 2013. River herring spawning and nursery habitat assessment: Silver Lake 2008–2009.
- TR-53: Nelson, G. A. 2012. Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report for 2011.
- TR-52: Camisa, M. and A. Wilbur. 2012. Buzzards Bay disposal site fisheries trawl survey report March 2001–March 2002.
- TR-51: Wood, C. H., C. Enterline, K. Mills, B. C. Chase, G. Verreault, J. Fischer, and M. H. Ayer. 2012. Fourth North American workshop on rainbow smelt: extended abstract proceedings.
- TR-50: Hoffman, W. S., S. J. Correia, and D. E. Pierce. 2012. Results of an industry-based survey of Gulf of Maine cod, May 2006–December 2007. Appendix A | Appendix B | Appendix C | Appendix D | Appendix E | Appendix F | Appendix G | Appendix H | Appendix I | Appendix J
- TR-49: Hoffman, W. S., S. J. Correia, and D. E. Pierce. 2012. Results of an industry-based survey of Gulf of Maine cod, November 2003–May 2005. Appendix A | Appendix B | Appendix C | Appendix D | Appendix E | Appendix F | Appendix G | Appendix H
- TR-48: Nelson, G. A. 2011. Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report for 2010.
- TR-47: Evans, N. T., K. H. Ford, B. C. Chase, and J. J. Sheppard. 2011. Recommended time of year restrictions (TOYs) for coastal alteration projects to protect marine fisheries resources in Massachusetts. Appendix A | Appendix B (XLS file)
- TR-46: Nelson, G. A., P. D. Brady, J. J. Sheppard, and M. P. Armstrong. 2011. An assessment of river herring stocks in Massachusetts.
- TR-45: Ford, K. H., and S. Voss. 2010. Seafloor sediment composition in Massachusetts determined using point data.
- TR-44: Chase, B. C., T. Callaghan, M. B. Dechant, and P. Patel. 2010. River herring spawning and nursery habitat assessment: Upper Mystic Lake, 2007–2008.
- TR-43: Evans, N. T., and A. S. Leschen. 2010. Technical guidelines for the delineation, restoration, and monitoring of eelgrass (Zostera marina) in Massachusetts coastal waters.
- TR-42: Chase, B. C. 2010. Quality assurance program plan (QAPP) for water quality measurements for diadromous fish monitoring 2008–2012, version 1.0.
- TR-41: Nelson, G. A. 2010. Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report for 2009.
- TR-40: Pol, M, P. He, and P. Winger. 2010. Proceedings of the international technical workshop on gadoid capture by pots (GACAPOT). Appendix 1 | Appendix 2
- TR-39: Dean, M. J. 2010. Massachusetts lobster fishery statistics for 2006.
- TR-38: King, J. R., M. J. Camisa, and V. M. Manfredi. 2010. Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries trawl survey effort, list of species, and bottom temperature trends, 1978–2007.
- TR-37: Leschen, A. S., R. K. Kessler, and B. T. Estrella. 2009. Eelgrass restoration used as construction impact mitigation in Boston Harbor, Massachusetts.
- TR-36: Nelson, G. A. 2009. Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report for 2008.
- TR-35: Barber, J. S., K. A. Whitmore, M. Rousseau, D. M. Chosid, and R. P. Glenn. 2009. Boston Harbor artificial reef site selection and monitoring program.
- TR-34: Nelson, G. A. 2008. 2007 Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report.
- TR-33: Chase, B. C., J. H. Plouff, and M. Gabriel. 2008. An Evaluation of the use of egg transfers and habitat restoration to establish an anadromous rainbow smelt spawning population.
- TR-32: Nelson, G. A. 2007. 2006 Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report.
- TR-31: Dean, M. J., S. R. Reed, and T. B. Hoopes. 2007. 2005 Massachusetts lobster fishery statistics.
- TR-30: Chase, B. C. 2006. Rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) spawning habitat on the Gulf of Maine coast of Massachusetts.
- TR-29: Glenn, R., T. Pugh, J. Barber, and D. Chosid. 2007. 2005 Massachusetts lobster monitoring and status.
- TR-28: Nelson, G. A. 2006. 2005 Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report.
- TR-27: Estrella, B. T. and R. P. Glenn. 2006. Lobster trap escape vent selectivity.
- TR-26: Dean, M. J., S. R. Reed, and T. B. Hoopes. 2006. 2004 Massachusetts lobster fishery statistics.
- TR-25: Nelson, G. A. 2006. A guide to statistical sampling for the estimation of river herring run size using visual counts.
- TR-24: Nelson, G. A. 2005. 2004 Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report.
- TR-23: Dean, M. J., K. A. Lundy, and T. B. Hoopes. 2005. 2003 Massachusetts lobster fishery statistics.
- TR-22: Lyman, E. G. and D. J. McKiernan. 2005. Scale Modeling of fixed-fishing gear to compare and quantify differently configured buoyline and groundline profiles: An investigation of entanglement threat.
- TR-21: Nelson, G. A. 2004. 2003 Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report.
- TR-20: Dean, M. J., K. A. Lundy, and T. B. Hoopes. 2002 Massachusetts lobster fishery statistics.
- TR-19: Nelson, G.A. 2002 Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report.
- TR-18: Reback, K. E., P. D. Brady, K. D. McLauglin, and C. G. Milliken. 2004. A survey of anadromous fish passage in coastal Massachusetts: Part 4. Boston and North Coastal. In preparation. Boston Harbor | North Shore | Merrimack | General Recommendations, Index, Appendices
- TR-17: Reback, K. E., P. D. Brady, K. D. McLauglin, and C. G. Milliken. 2004. A survey of anadromous fish passage in coastal Massachusetts: Part 3. South Coastal. South Coastal | General Recommendations, Index, Appendices
- TR-16: Reback, K. E., P. D. Brady, K. D. McLauglin, and C. G. Milliken. 2004. A survey of anadromous fish passage in coastal Massachusetts: Part 2. Cape Cod and the Island. Cape Cod | Martha's Vineyard | Nantucket | General Recommendations, Index, Appendices
- TR-15: Reback, K. E., P. D. Brady, K. D. McLauglin, and C. G. Milliken. 2004. A survey of anadromous fish passage in coastal Massachusetts: Part 1. Southeastern Massachusetts. Taunton River Watershed | Buzzards Bay Drainage | General Recommendations, Index, Appendices
- TR-14: Estrella, B. T., and R. P. Glenn. 2002. Massachusetts coastal commercial lobster trap sampling program, May–November 2001.
- TR-13: Dean, M. J., K. A. Lundy, and T. B. Hoopes. 2002. 2001 Massachusetts lobster fishery statistics.
- TR-12: Howe, A. B., S. J. Correia, T. P. Currier, J. King, and R. Johnston. 2002. Spatial distribution of ages 0 and 1 Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) off the Eastern Massachusetts Coast, 1978–1999, relative to 'habitat area of special concern.'
- TR-11: Nelson, G. A., and T. B. Hoopes. 2002. Massachusetts 2001 striped bass fisheries monitoring report.
- TR-10: Sheppard, J. J, M. P. Armstrong, D. J. McKiernan and D. E. Pierce 2003. Characterization of the Massachusetts scup (Stenotomus chrysops) fisheries.
- TR-9: McBride, H. M., M .J. Dean, and T. B. Hoopes. 2002. 2000 Massachusetts lobster fishery statistics.
- TR-8: Estrella, B. T. 2002. Techniques for live storage and shipping of American lobster, third edition.
- TR-7: Estrella, B. T., and R. P. Glenn. 2001. Massachusetts coastal commercial lobster sampling program May–November 2000.
- TR-6: Chase, B.C., J. H. Plouff, and W. M. Castonguay. 2002. The marine resources of Salem Sound, 1997.
- TR-5: Chase, B.C., and A. R. Childs. 2002. Rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) spawning habitat in the Weymouth-Fore River.
- TR-4: Nelson, G.A, M. P. Armstrong, and T. B. Hoopes. 2001. Massachusetts 2000 striped bass monitoring report.
- TR-3: McKiernan, D. J., R. Johnston, and W. Hoffman. 1999. Southern Gulf of Maine raised footrope trawl experimental whiting fishery.
- TR-2: McBride, H. M., and T. B. Hoopes. 2001. 1999 Lobster fishery statistics.
- TR-1: McKiernan, D. J., and D. E. Pierce. 1995. The Loligo squid fishery in Nantucket and Vineyard Sound.