Marine Fisheries Technical Reports

These reports are documents published by the Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) based on process, progress, or results of our scientific research.

These publications are all available from the authors or from the Annisquam River Marine Fisheries Station at (978) 282-0308.

Technical reports list

  • TR-82: Sheppard, J.J., and B.C. Chase. 2024. Massachusetts American Shad and River Herring Monitoring Report: 2019.
  • TR-81: Nelson, G. A. 2023. Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report for 2022.
  • TR-80: Sheppard, J.J., C. Reusch, C. Rhodes, M. Gendron, and E. Perry. 2023. River Herring Spawning and Nursery Habitat Assessment: Acushnet River Watershed, 2019-2020. 
  • TR-79: Nelson, G. A. 2022. Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report for 2021.
  • TR-78: Chase, B.C., and C. Reusch. 2022. River Herring Spawning and Nursery Habitat Assessment: Mattapoisett River Watershed, 2013-2014. 
  • TR-77: Archer, A.F., and Chase, B.C. 2022. River Herring Spawning and Nursery Habitat Assessment: Tom Matthews Pond, Yarmouth, MA,  2012-2013. 
  • TR-76: Nelson, G. A. 2021. Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report for 2020.
  • TR-75: Nelson, G. A. 2020. Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report for 2019.
  • TR-74: Schondelmeier, B. P., W. S. Hoffman. 2020. Characterization of the Massachusetts Spring Longfin Squid Fishery.
  • TR-73: B. C. Chase, J. J. Sheppard, B. I. Gahagan, and S. M. Turner. 2020. Quality Assurance Program Plan (QAPP) for Water Quality Measurements for Diadromous Fish Monitoring
  • TR-72: Livermore, J., B. C. Chase, M. Bednarski, and S. Turner. 2020. River Herring Spawning and Nursery Habitat Assessment: Mill River Watershed, 2012-2014.
  • TR-71: Pugh, T. L., and R. P. Glenn. 2020. Random Stratified Ventless Trap Survey for American Lobster 2006-2016.
  • TR-70: Nelson, G. A. 2019. Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report for 2018.
  • TR-69: Whitmore, K. A., E. M. Moore, and E. J. Brewer. 2019. Characterization of Fishing Activity and Trap Loss in the Massachusetts Recreational American Lobster Fishery.
  • TR-68: Nelson, G. A. 2018. Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report for 2017.
  • TR-67: Chosid, D. M., M. Pol, B. P. Schondelmeier, and M. Griffin. 2019. Early Opening Experimental Fishery for Silver Hake/ Whiting in Small Mesh Area 1 and the Western Raised Footrope Exemption Area.
  • TR-66: Nelson, G. A., S. H. Wilcox, R. Glenn, and T. L. Pugh. 2018. A Stock Assessment of Channeled Whelk (Busycotypus canaliculatus) in Nantucket Sound, Massachusetts.
  • TR-65: Nelson, G. A. 2017. Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report for 2016.
  • TR-64: Nelson, G. A. 2016. Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report for 2015.
  • TR-62: Nelson, G. A. 2015. Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report for 2014.
  • TR-61: Nelson, G. A., J. Boardman, and P. Caruso. 2015. Massachusetts striped bass tagging programs 1991–2014.
  • TR-60: Nelson, G. A. and J. Stritzel-Thomson. 2015. Summary of recreational fishery data for striped bass collected by volunteer anglers in Massachusetts.
  • TR-59: Nelson, G. A. 2015. Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report for 2013.
  • TR-58: Elzey, S. P.,  K. J. Trull, and K. A. Rogers. 2015. Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries Age and Growth Laboratory: Fish Aging Protocols.
  • TR-57: Chase, B. C., K. Ferry, and C. Pawlowski. 2015. River herring spawning and nursery habitat assessment: Fore River Watershed 2008–2010.
  • TR-56: Sheppard, J.J., S. Block, H.L. Becker, and D. Quinn. 2014. The Acushnet River restoration project: Restoring diadromous populations to a Superfund Site in Southeastern Massachusetts.
  • TR-55: Nelson, G.A. 2013. Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report for 2012.
  • TR-54: Chase, B.C., A. Mansfield, and P. duBois. 2013. River herring spawning and nursery habitat assessment: Silver Lake 2008–2009.
  • TR-53: Nelson, G. A. 2012. Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report for 2011.
  • TR-52: Camisa, M. and A. Wilbur. 2012. Buzzards Bay disposal site fisheries trawl survey report March 2001–March 2002.
  • TR-51: Wood, C. H., C. Enterline, K. Mills, B. C. Chase, G. Verreault, J. Fischer, and M. H. Ayer. 2012. Fourth North American workshop on rainbow smelt: extended abstract proceedings.
  • TR-50: Hoffman, W. S., S. J. Correia, and D. E. Pierce. 2012. Results of an industry-based survey of Gulf of Maine cod, May 2006–December 2007. Appendix A | Appendix B | Appendix C | Appendix D | Appendix E | Appendix F | Appendix G | Appendix H | Appendix I | Appendix J 
  • TR-49: Hoffman, W. S., S. J. Correia, and D. E. Pierce. 2012. Results of an industry-based survey of Gulf of Maine cod, November 2003–May 2005. Appendix A | Appendix B | Appendix C | Appendix D | Appendix E | Appendix F | Appendix G | Appendix H
  • TR-48: Nelson, G. A. 2011. Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report for 2010.
  • TR-47: Evans, N. T., K. H. Ford, B. C. Chase, and J. J. Sheppard. 2011. Recommended time of year restrictions (TOYs) for coastal alteration projects to protect marine fisheries resources in Massachusetts. Appendix A | Appendix B (XLS file)
  • TR-46: Nelson, G. A., P. D. Brady, J. J. Sheppard, and M. P. Armstrong. 2011. An assessment of river herring stocks in Massachusetts.
  • TR-45: Ford, K. H., and S. Voss. 2010. Seafloor sediment composition in Massachusetts determined using point data.
  • TR-44: Chase, B. C., T. Callaghan, M. B. Dechant, and P. Patel. 2010. River herring spawning and nursery habitat assessment: Upper Mystic Lake, 2007–2008.
  • TR-43: Evans, N. T., and A. S. Leschen. 2010. Technical guidelines for the delineation, restoration, and monitoring of eelgrass (Zostera marina) in Massachusetts coastal waters.
  • TR-42: Chase, B. C. 2010. Quality assurance program plan (QAPP) for water quality measurements for diadromous fish monitoring 2008–2012, version 1.0.
  • TR-41: Nelson, G. A. 2010. Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report for 2009.
  • TR-40: Pol, M, P. He, and P. Winger. 2010. Proceedings of the international technical workshop on gadoid capture by pots (GACAPOT). Appendix 1 | Appendix 2
  • TR-39: Dean, M. J. 2010. Massachusetts lobster fishery statistics for 2006.
  • TR-38: King, J. R., M. J. Camisa, and V. M. Manfredi. 2010. Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries trawl survey effort, list of species, and bottom temperature trends, 1978–2007.
  • TR-37: Leschen, A. S., R. K. Kessler, and B. T. Estrella. 2009. Eelgrass restoration used as construction impact mitigation in Boston Harbor, Massachusetts.
  • TR-36: Nelson, G. A. 2009. Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report for 2008.
  • TR-35: Barber, J. S., K. A. Whitmore, M. Rousseau, D. M. Chosid, and R. P. Glenn. 2009. Boston Harbor artificial reef site selection and monitoring program.
  • TR-34: Nelson, G. A. 2008. 2007 Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report.
  • TR-33: Chase, B. C., J. H. Plouff, and M. Gabriel. 2008. An Evaluation of the use of egg transfers and habitat restoration to establish an anadromous rainbow smelt spawning population.
  • TR-32: Nelson, G. A. 2007. 2006 Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report.
  • TR-31: Dean, M. J., S. R. Reed, and T. B. Hoopes. 2007. 2005 Massachusetts lobster fishery statistics.
  • TR-30: Chase, B. C. 2006. Rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) spawning habitat on the Gulf of Maine coast of Massachusetts.
  • TR-29: Glenn, R., T. Pugh, J. Barber, and D. Chosid. 2007. 2005 Massachusetts lobster monitoring and status.
  • TR-28: Nelson, G. A. 2006. 2005 Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report.
  • TR-27: Estrella, B. T. and R. P. Glenn. 2006. Lobster trap escape vent selectivity.
  • TR-26: Dean, M. J., S. R. Reed, and T. B. Hoopes. 2006. 2004 Massachusetts lobster fishery statistics.
  • TR-25: Nelson, G. A. 2006. A guide to statistical sampling for the estimation of river herring run size using visual counts.
  • TR-24: Nelson, G. A. 2005. 2004 Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report.
  • TR-23: Dean, M. J., K. A. Lundy, and T. B. Hoopes. 2005. 2003 Massachusetts lobster fishery statistics.
  • TR-22: Lyman, E. G. and D. J. McKiernan. 2005. Scale Modeling of fixed-fishing gear to compare and quantify differently configured buoyline and groundline profiles: An investigation of entanglement threat.
  • TR-21: Nelson, G. A. 2004. 2003 Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report.
  • TR-20: Dean, M. J., K. A. Lundy, and T. B. Hoopes. 2002 Massachusetts lobster fishery statistics.
  • TR-19: Nelson, G.A. 2002 Massachusetts Striped Bass Monitoring Report.
  • TR-18: Reback, K. E., P. D. Brady, K. D. McLauglin, and C. G. Milliken. 2004. A survey of anadromous fish passage in coastal Massachusetts: Part 4. Boston and North Coastal. In preparation. Boston Harbor | North Shore | Merrimack | General Recommendations, Index, Appendices
  • TR-17: Reback, K. E., P. D. Brady, K. D. McLauglin, and C. G. Milliken. 2004. A survey of anadromous fish passage in coastal Massachusetts: Part 3. South Coastal. South Coastal | General Recommendations, Index, Appendices
  • TR-16: Reback, K. E., P. D. Brady, K. D. McLauglin, and C. G. Milliken. 2004. A survey of anadromous fish passage in coastal Massachusetts: Part 2. Cape Cod and the Island. Cape Cod | Martha's Vineyard | Nantucket | General Recommendations, Index, Appendices
  • TR-15: Reback, K. E., P. D. Brady, K. D. McLauglin, and C. G. Milliken. 2004. A survey of anadromous fish passage in coastal Massachusetts: Part 1. Southeastern Massachusetts. Taunton River Watershed | Buzzards Bay Drainage | General Recommendations, Index, Appendices
  • TR-14: Estrella, B. T., and R. P. Glenn. 2002. Massachusetts coastal commercial lobster trap sampling program, May–November 2001.
  • TR-13: Dean, M. J., K. A. Lundy, and T. B. Hoopes. 2002. 2001 Massachusetts lobster fishery statistics.
  • TR-12: Howe, A. B., S. J. Correia, T. P. Currier, J. King, and R. Johnston. 2002. Spatial distribution of ages 0 and 1 Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) off the Eastern Massachusetts Coast, 1978–1999, relative to 'habitat area of special concern.'
  • TR-11: Nelson, G. A., and T. B. Hoopes. 2002. Massachusetts 2001 striped bass fisheries monitoring report.
  • TR-10: Sheppard, J. J, M. P. Armstrong, D. J. McKiernan and D. E. Pierce 2003. Characterization of the Massachusetts scup (Stenotomus chrysops) fisheries.
  • TR-9: McBride, H. M., M .J. Dean, and T. B. Hoopes. 2002. 2000 Massachusetts lobster fishery statistics.
  • TR-8: Estrella, B. T. 2002. Techniques for live storage and shipping of American lobster, third edition.
  • TR-7: Estrella, B. T., and R. P. Glenn. 2001. Massachusetts coastal commercial lobster sampling program May–November 2000.
  • TR-6: Chase, B.C., J. H. Plouff, and W. M. Castonguay. 2002. The marine resources of Salem Sound, 1997.
  • TR-5: Chase, B.C., and A. R. Childs. 2002. Rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) spawning habitat in the Weymouth-Fore River.
  • TR-4: Nelson, G.A, M. P. Armstrong, and T. B. Hoopes. 2001. Massachusetts 2000 striped bass monitoring report.
  • TR-3: McKiernan, D. J., R. Johnston, and W. Hoffman. 1999. Southern Gulf of Maine raised footrope trawl experimental whiting fishery.
  • TR-2: McBride, H. M., and T. B. Hoopes. 2001. 1999 Lobster fishery statistics.
  • TR-1: McKiernan, D. J., and D. E. Pierce. 1995. The Loligo squid fishery in Nantucket and Vineyard Sound.

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