
Reports Frequently Asked Questions

1. What reports are currently available?
 A number of EIM/ESM reports are available to authorized users. The following list of reports include the names of the reports, a brief description, benefit and parameters along with the roles through which access may be granted to agency, provider or operational users.  

Accommodation Rate Expenditure Report

Activity PRC Details by Service Code

Activity PRC Details by Sub-Activity

CIES Budgeting Report

Client Enrollment Status

Client Enrollment Status (DI)

Client Utilization Report

Commodity Based Payment Request

Contract Utilization Report

Cost Reimbursement Budget

Cost Reimbursement Expenditure Analysis

Cost Reimbursement Invoice

HIPAA Claim Status Report

Ledger Report

Payment Detail by Client Report

Payment Detail by Client Report (DI)

Payment Detail Report by Bed Days

Payment Detail Report by Bed Days (DI)

Payment Tracking Report

PRC/CEC Batch Report

PRC Payment Status Report Submitted Versus Paid

Ready Pay Contract Reconciliation Report

Service Delivery Report

Service Delivery Report (DI)

System Configuration and Reference – Activity Details

System Configuration and Reference – Contracts Details

System Configuration and Reference – Credentials

System Configuration and Reference – Reference Tables

System Configuration and Reference – Remittance Reconciliation Report

Vendor Worksheet for Program Budget Amendment

2. How do I run reports?
To access reports:

  • Select the Report module in EIM/ESM. The Reports page appears, containing links to all available reports.
  • Click the report you wish to run.
  • Enter criteria in fields.
  • Select report format (PDF or Excel).
  • Click Run Report.

In some cases, reports may be accessible from other screens within EIM/ESM. For example, the CR Invoice Report is available via the Invoice Summary page and the SDR Report is available via the SDR Summary page.

If you have already been authorized to view reports and you need assistance running them, please call Virtual Gateway Customer Service at 1-800-421-0938 (TTY: 1-617-847-6578).

3. Is there a way to make reports run more quickly?
The EIM/ESM reports work best when report parameters (criteria) are tightly defined. Whenever possible, use parameters that reference specific documents. For example, specify a certain invoice number, Payment Request for Commodity (PRC) number, or Service Delivery Report (SDR) month.

If it is not possible to use a specific document number, use input parameters that restrict results to a specific group. For example, use a specific provider name or a short date range.

Finally, whenever possible, avoid broad parameters. For example, avoid criteria that specify an entire fiscal year. Use smaller time increments instead.

4. Why is my report output sometimes blank?
"Blank" report output usually indicates that insufficient data exists to generate the requested report. If this situation is encountered, exit the Report module and conduct a search in EIM/ESM to determine whether the data you are trying to "see" is reflected in EIM/ESM. A blank page may also be generated if a report takes too long to run. In either case, please contact Virtual Gateway Customer Service at 1-800-421-0938 (TTY: 1-617-847-6578).

5. Will the EIM/ESM service offer new/different reports in the future?
Yes. The EIM/ESM Implementation Team is constantly working on evaluating existing reporting tools and identifying additional reporting needs.

6. How can I influence decisions being made about potential future reports?
Agency staff can communicate any report requests/needs to their agency implementation lead. He or she will make sure any such suggestions are logged, evaluated, and tracked. Provider staff may communicate report requests/needs to an appropriate agency representative or Provider Access Lead. They will likewise make sure that such suggestions are considered.

7. Why don't I see reports on my screen?
If you do not see reports on the tool bar as a module, you may not have the security role that allows you to view reports. If it is determined that you need access to reports, contact your organization's Access Administrator. The Access Administrator is the only person authorized to request changes to user security roles.

If you have already been authorized to view reports and you do not see this option on your screen, please call Virtual Gateway Customer Service at 1-800-421-0938 (TTY: 1-617-847-6578).

8. What information do I need to provide to Customer Service or a project team member when asking questions about running reports?
Please make a note of the report name and the date and time you attempted to run it. Additionally, please provide the input parameters you used (contract number, vendor name, etc.) and how long you waited if the report timed out or you halted your efforts. If an error message appears on the screen, make a note of that as well (it may be copied and pasted into an e-mail, if that is how you are communicating).

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