Executive Order

Executive Order  No. 103: Establishing a Resource Management Policy Council and defining its powers and duties

Date: 02/28/1974
Issuer: Francis W. Sargent

Table of Contents

I, Francis W. Sargent, Governor of the Commonwealth, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Supreme Executive Magistrate, do hereby order as follows:


Declaration of Policy

It shall be the policy of the Executive Branch of the Commonwealth to foster the establishment and maintenance of a careful balance among the preservation, use and development of the land and other physical resources of the Commonwealth.

All departments and agencies of the Commonwealth shall give careful consideration to the preservation, use and development of these resources in meeting the demand for state services, and shall cooperate with each other to ensure the most effective utilization or preservation of these resources. To this end, all state agencies shall take affirmative action to further this policy in all programs, plans or uses of state funds, and to proceed in a manner consistent with the policies and principles herein articulated.


Implementation of Policy

In order to implement the policy stated above, there is hereby established the Resource Management Policy Council of the Commonwealth, hereinafter call the RMPC, within the Office of the Governor.

The RMPC shall make recommendations to the Governor and, pursuant to his instructions, develop policy concerning the development, conservation, and management of the land and other physical resources of the Commonwealth in order to best meet the social and economic needs of its citizens.

Without limiting the scope of the above mandate, the RMPC shall specifically coordinate and direct the Commonwealth's participation in the following program areas--coastal zone, air quality, water quality, land use, and rural development.

In order to ensure the rational uses of the land and other physical resources of the Commonwealth, the RMPC shall formulate a master plan for the Commonwealth. The RMPC shall coordinate the activities and programs of the various departments and agencies of the Commonwealth as they relate to the patterns of development and growth of the land and other physical resources.

The RMPC shall recommend to the Governor postponement of any program or activity which it finds to be inconsistent with the policies herein stated, until such program or activity can be reviewed for decision by the Governor, and may submit reports from time to time on its activities.

The RMPC may call upon state executive offices, departments or agencies to submit such plans or programs as are needed to implement the policies herein stated. All state agencies or officials called upon by the RMPC for information or assistance shall render said information or assistance.

Except as otherwise provided by law, the RMPC shall, when requested by the Governor, serve as the representative of the Executive Branch in dealings with federal agencies on matters within its scope, and shall advise the Governor on the designation of particular state agencies or officials to submit applications to relevant federal agencies for funds to carry out either federal or state policies which relate to land and other physical re- sources.

The RMPC shall, at the direction of the Governor, or at the request of the General Court through the Governor, or on its own initiative recommend to the Governor or General Court, such changes in existing laws or enactment of such new laws as may be needed to effect the purposes of this Executive Order. It shall, when called upon by the Governor or General Court, evaluate and comment upon proposed or pending legislation which relates to the use, development or preservation of the land and other physical resources of the Commonwealth.


Structure of the RMPC

The RMPC shall be composed of the Secretaries of Administration and Finance, Communities and Development, Consumer Affairs, Educational Affairs, Environmental Affairs, Transportation and Construction, Human Services and Manpower Affairs. The Governor shall, from time to time, designate one Secretary to serve as Chairman of the RMPC. Other Secretaries may be asked to participate in the affairs of the RMPC, from time to time, as the need arises.

The RMPC shall meet at the call of the Chairman, but not less than once every two months, and shall establish rules for the efficient operation and conduct of its business.

The RMPC may receive appropriations from the Commonwealth, and may, as provided by law, seek, accept and otherwise take full advantage of all federal aid available to carry out its purposes. The RMPC may, subject to appropriation or other funds which it lawfully may expend, make such expenditures as are needed and may, subject to the approval of the Governor, employ such staff assistants as are needed; provided, however, that the Governor may designate an Executive Secretary.

The RMPC may establish one or more advisory committees or subcommittees to assist it in the conduct of its affairs. Each such advisory committee or subcommittee shall work under the supervision and policy guidance of the RMPC.

The RMPC shall provide adequate opportunity for participation in its policy formulation process by related state agencies, the General Court, regional planning agencies, municipalities and the general public. Special attention shall be given to involving local and regional officials in matters which do or might impact the areas of their particular jurisdiction or responsibility.

Given at the Executive Chamber in Boston this 28th day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventy-four and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and ninety-eighth.



Commonwealth of Massachusetts


Secretary of the Commonwealth

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