Executive Order

Executive Order  No. 113: Advisory Council on Supported Work

Date: 12/23/1974
Issuer: Francis W. Sargent

Table of Contents

WHEREAS, Reduction in unemployment, particularly among those handicapped in entering the job market due to limited skills and poor work habits, is a matter of critical importance to the Common- wealth; and

WHEREAS, Unemployment in the Commonwealth imposes substantial economic and personal burdens on the citizens of the Commonwealth; and

WHEREAS, The Commonwealth, acting through agencies and in cooperation with private citizens, businesses, and organizations, must explore and encourage the development of jobs within supported work programs to provide appropriate training and support for unemployed persons;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Francis W. Sargent, Governor of the Common- wealth, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Supreme Executive Magistrate, do hereby order as follows:

I. There shall be a Governor's Advisory Council on Supported Work, hereinafter called the Council, comprised of the Secretaries of Manpower Affairs, Human Services, and Communities and Development, and not more than twenty-two other members appointed by the Governor for terms of two years, including such Commissioners as he may determine and others representative of the legislature, organized labor, business and finance, employees or potential employees in supported work programs, and professionals in the fields of manpower, human services, and economic development. The Governor may, from time to time, designate a member of the Council to serve as its Chairman.

2. The Council shall:

(a) identify important problems relating to employment of chronically unemployed or underemployed persons;

(b) review and advise the Governor on plans, programs, and administrative policies for public employment and supported work programs which provide special support for unemployed persons in the development of work habits and job skills;

(c) identify and develop sources of public and private funding for supported work programs; and

(d) from time to time make specific recommendations to the Governor regarding desirable legislation and administrative regulations relating to supported work programs.

3. The Council shall meet at regular intervals in public or executive sessions and may hold hearings or meetings in various parts of the Commonwealth.

4. The Council may form subcommittees from its own members and may call upon persons from outside its membership for research and recommendations related to the functions of the Council.

5. The Council shall receive the cooperation of all state departments and agencies in carrying out its responsibilities.

Given at the Executive Chamber in Boston this twenty-third day of December in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventy-four and of the Independence of the United States of America, one hundred and ninety-ninth.



Commonwealth of Massachusetts


Secretary of the Commonwealth

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