Executive Order

Executive Order  No. 118: Single state agency for drug abuse prevention

Date: 07/16/1975
Issuer: Michael S. Dukakis

Table of Contents

WHEREAS, drug abuse is a major social problem in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and afflicts its urban, suburban, and rural areas;

WHEREAS, drug abuse seriously impairs individual, as well as societal, health and well-being and substantially contributes to crime;

WHEREAS, the success of drug abuse prevention, treatment, rehabilitation education, and research programs requires a recognition that a consolidated, coordinated approach is absolutely essential to combat this threat; and

WHEREAS, the differences in local drug abuse problems and local responses to such problems are of critical importance and hence, local definition of problems and responses is necessary for successfully dealing with these problems;

NOW, THEREFORE, I Michael S. Dukakis, Governor of the Commonwealth, by virtue of the authority vested in me as supreme executive magistrate, do hereby order that:

  1. The Department of Mental Health in the Executive Office of Human Services is hereby designated as the single State agency pursuant to P. L. 92-255 responsible for coordinating all drug abuse rehabilitation, treatment, education, law enforcement, research and prevention activities, even when performed by a State agency or department whose primary mission is not in the field of drugs, under the directorship of the Commissioner of Mental Health, The Department of Mental Health shall report to me through the Executive Office of Human Services and shall be responsible for:
    • (a) Conducting, and seeing that local authorities conduct, a detailed survey of, State and local problems and needs for prevention and treatment of drug abuse and drug dependence, including, but not limited to, a survey of health facilities needed to provide services for drug abuse and drug dependence and the development of techniques for the assessment of an unduplicated count of chronic drug abusers;
    • (b) Identifying all funds, programs, and resources available in tho Commonwealth from the Federal government, the Commonwealth, its political subdivisions, other public agencies, private agencies, foundations, and other sources, which are currently being used and which could in the future be used to implement drug abuse prevention functions in the Commonwealth;
    • (c) Developing, or providing for development of, objective devices or methodologies for the evaluation of all drug abuse prevention functions within the Commonwealth;
    • (d) Establishing a clearinghouse for development and maintenance of a centralized drug abuse data collection and dissemination system for all drug abuse prevention functions, consistent with applicable confidentiality safeguards of Federal and State law;
    • (e) Developing and maintaining a management information system, and assisting local chief executive officers in building and maintaining local management information systems, which provide an ongoing review of drug abuse problem indicators, drug abuse programs and resources, relationship of resources to drug problem intensity, and analysis of problem indicator dynamics to resource application;
    • (f) Formulating and administering, or supervising the formulation and administration of, a comprehensive State plan for coordinating all drug abuse prevention functions within the Commonwealth in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Federal government;
    • (g) Coordinating the delivery of all funding from whatever source, to State and local levels, with regard to drug abuse prevention functions;
    • (h) Requiring such information and reports as necessary from State and local agencies for planning, management, and evaluation and for otherwise carrying out the mandate of this Order;
    • (i) Developing and establishing standards for licensing and approving drug abuse treatment programs and facilities within the Commonwealth pursuant to G. L. c. 123, s. 44;
    • (j) Devising policies and procedures to foster greater cooperation and interaction between the treatment community and the criminal justice system, particularly in the local jurisdictions, through formulation of a long-term plan of cooperation;
    • (k) Coordinating all drug abuse education and training programs conducted within the Commonwealth through cooperation with State and local boards of education, schools, and other public and private agencies in establishing education programs for the prevention of drug abuse and for training in the treatment and rehabilitation of persons dependent upon and abusing drugs;
    • (l) Reviewing the State plan at least annually;
    • (m) Submitting to the Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare of the United States an annual analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of the prevention and treatment programs and activities carried out under the State plan, any necessary modifications in the plan, and any reports which said Secretary may require;
    • (n) Developing geographically distributed drug abuse prevention and treatment facilities and programs throughout the Commonwealth in order to assure ready access for all people within the Commonwealth;
    • (o) Exercising its powers and performing its duties with respect to drug abuse prevention under G. L. c. 123, s. 39 to s. 55, inclusive, in a manner which is consistent with the State plan for drug abuse prevention; and
    • (p) Carrying out such other drug abuse prevention activities as I may delegate to it in writing from time to time.
  2. Further, I hereby create the drug abuse prevention planning council as the advisory body to the single state agency pursuant to P. L. 92-255. The council shall include the Attorney General; the Secretaries of Human Services, Manpower Affairs, Public Safety, Administration and Finance, and Educational Affairs; the Chairmen of the Governor's Criminal Justice Committee and the Parole Board; the Commissioners of Correction, Probation, Public Health, Mental Health, Public Safety, Public Welfare, Education, and Massachusetts Rehabilitation; the Directors of the Office for Children, Office of Comprehensive Health Planning, Division of Employment Security, and the Division of Drug Rehabilitation; or their designees; and, representatives from the General Court and the judiciary. The Council shall also include staff and members of drug treatment programs; representatives of Veterans Administration drug programs, minority groups, ex-addicts, professional societies, local government, area and regional citizens' boards and committees working in drug abuse prevention; and, all members of the drug rehabilitation advisory board as created by Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 123, Section 40.

    The Chairman shall be designated by the Governor and the Executive Secretary shall be designated by the Secretary of Human Services. The council shall adopt rules and procedures and establish such committees as may be needed to perform its duties.

  3. The council shall review the state plan at least annually and shall make recommendation to the Department of Mental Health with respect to overall community, regional and state planning and policy making in the area of drug abuse prevention.
  4. The Department of Mental Health may, with my approval, direct the council to exercise any powers or perform any duties of the Department hereunder.

Given at the Executive Chamber in Boston this 16th day of July in the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy-five and the year of the independence of the United States of America, the two hundredth.



Commonwealth of Massachusetts


Secretary of State

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