Massachusetts Executive Orders by Subject I-L

An index to Executive Orders compiled by the Trial Court Law Libraries

Table of Contents


SubjectExecutive Order
Identity theftEO 504
EO 588
Immigrants, IntegratingEO 503 
Immigrants, UndocumentedEO 481 
Income tax - See Federal income tax 
Independent Living Council for people with disabilitiesEO 373
EO 590
Indian tribesEO 126
EO 637
Industrial Accident Board1 EO 33
1 EO 41
1 EO 98
EO 258
EO 298
EO 323
EO 436 
Industrial Development Bond - See Bond cap 
Industrial engineering, Division ofEO 47 
Industrial plants1 EO 17
1 EO 43 
1 EO 98 
1 EO 99
Information processingEO 231
EO 283 
Information technology - access to by disabled personsEO 344
EO 348 
EO 614
Information technology - enhancing efficiency and effectivenessEO 510
EO 532 
Information Technology, Governor's Advisory Committee on
See also, Year 2000 compliance
EO 283
EO 326
EO 383 
Inmates - visitationEO 341 
See also, Motor vehicle insurance
1 EO 28
1 EO 29 
1 EO 86
1 EO 98 
Insurance Rating Plan (War Dept.)1 EO 18
1 EO 98 
Integrity, PublicEO 282 
EO 506 
Intellectual Disability, Governor's Commission onEO 521 
Inter-agency Coordinating Committee on Increasing Equity Through DataEO 612
Interagency Council on Homelessness and HousingEO 492 
Interagency regulationsEO 187 
Interoperability Executive CommitteeEO 493 


SubjectExecutive Order
Job skillsEO 185
EO 192
EO 219 
Job trainingEO 140
EO 157 
EO 207
EO 247
EO 250
EO 364
EO 413
EO 430 
JobsEO 213 
Judges - qualificationsEO 445
EO 458 
Judicial Nominating CommissionEO 114
EO 127
EO 151
EO 154
EO 178
EO 223 
EO 445
EO 458
EO 466
EO 470
EO 477
EO 500
EO 558
EO 610
Judicial Nominating CouncilEO 228
EO 273
EO 299
EO 304
EO 319 
EO 355
EO 377
EO 411
EO 420
EO 445 
EO 458
EO 466
Juvenile Crime, Governor's Task Force onEO 186
EO 383 
Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Control ActEO 61 
Juvenile Justice Advisory CommitteeEO 166A
EO 204
EO 522 
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention ActEO 280
EO 339
EO 522 
Juveniles - pretrial detentionEO 280
EO 339
EO 522


SubjectExecutive Order
Kennedy, John F.EO 45 
King, Martin Luther, CommissionEO 297 
Korean War veterans
See also, Veterans
EO 21 


SubjectExecutive Order
Labor-Management Relations, Advisory Council onEO 67 
Labor Advisory CouncilEO 632
Land BankEO 312 
EO 378 
Land Court Recorder - qualificationsEO 445
EO 458 
Land - growth and developmentEO 103 
Land taking, Wartime1 EO 34
1 EO 99 
LandfillEO 305 
Language access barriers, Identifying and minimizingEO 615
Latino Advisory CommissionEO 577 
EO 608
Latino-American Advisory CommissionEO 409
EO 577
EO 608
Latino Empowerment, Governor's Council onEO 608
Law enforcement
See also, Public safety
EO 60
EO 61 
EO 128
EO 129 
EO 392 
EO 463 
Lawrence, City ofEO 381 
Leading by Example CouncilEO 484 
EO 594
Legal settlement1 EO 32
1 EO 86 
Lesbians - See Gay and lesbian 
See also, Motor vehicle license
1 EO 4
1 EO 52
1 EO 86 
1 EO 99 
License plate1 EO 66
1 EO 72
1 EO 87  
1 EO 96
1 EO 98
Licenses, Replacement of after natural disasterEO 23 
EO 30 
Lighting, Reduction of - See Blackouts 
Lincoln, Abraham, Bicentennial CommissionEO 497 
See also: Federal loansVeterans' loans
EO 18 
Lobbying - disclosureEO 85 
Lobbying - prohibition - relatives of Governor's cabinet and senior staffEO 443 
Local Education Advisory CouncilEO 139 
EO 383
Local governmentEO 123
EO 145 
EO 164 
EO 480
EO 537
EO 554 
Local government - use of trucks and employees1 EO 64
1 EO 86 
Long term careEO 421 
Low and moderate income housing - See Housing, Low income 
Lynn, MA1 EO 17
1 EO 98 
EO 209 
EO 211
EO 285 
EO 383 

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Last updated: December 2, 2024

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