Massachusetts Executive Orders by Subject A-D

An index to Executive Orders compiled by the Trial Court Law Libraries

Table of Contents


SubjectExecutive Order
AbortionEO 600
EO 601
EO 609
EO 633
Accessibility officersEO 614
Acushnet River Estuary CommissionEO 216
Administration and FinanceEO 289
EO 290 
EO 296 
Administrative Procedures ActEO 145 
AdoptionEO 76 
EO 417 
Adoption and Foster Care, Governor's Commission onEO 76  
Adult educationEO 428 
Affirmative actionEO 74
EO 116
EO 117
EO 143
EO 150
EO 224
EO 227
EO 235
EO 246
EO 253
EO 452
EO 592
Affirmative Action, Advisory Council for the State Office ofEO 236 
Affordable housingEO 215 
African-American Advisory CommissionEO 362
EO 575
Agency regulationsEO 485
EO 562
Aging, Governor's Council to addressEO 576
EO 603
Agricultural landEO 193 
Agriculture1 EO 68
1 EO 86 
EO 222 
Aides-de-campEO 336 
Air raid1 EO 3
1 EO 10
1 EO 52
1 EO 86
EO 9
EO 28 
Alcohol Abuse and Highway Safety, Governor's Task Force onEO 212 
Alcoholic Beverages Industry, Special Commission on the Laws & Regs GoverningEO 176 
Aliens1 EO 38
1 EO 98
Alternative dispute resolutionEO 416 
Alternative fuel vehiclesEO 388 
Anti-Crime Council, Governor'sEO 482 
ApartheidEO 281
EO 288
Apparel Industry, Governor's Advisory Committee onEO 89 
Apprenticeship training1 EO 82
1 EO 99 
ArbitrationEO 198 
Architect Selection, Governor's Advisory Committee onEO 52 
Armed forces chaplains1 EO 20
1 EO 99
Artificial Intelligence Strategic Task ForceEO 628
EO 629
Asian Americans CommissionEO 328
EO 382 
Automobile theftEO 170
EO 171 
Automobiles - See Motor vehicles 
Autonomous vehiclesEO 572
EO 603


SubjectExecutive Order
Banks1 EO 23
1 EO 74
1 EO 86
1 EO 98
Barrier beachesEO 181 
Bay State Skills CommissionEO 185
EO 192
EO 219
Bay State Skills CorporationEO 207 
EO 219
BeachesEO 311 
Benjamin Franklin Trust FundEO 294
EO 383 
Bethlehem-Hingham Shipyard1 EO 24
1 EO 99 
Betting, Off-track, Governor's Special Commission onEO 329
EO 338
Bicentennial of the US ConstitutionEO 260
EO 307 
Bicentennial of the Bill of RightsEO 307
EO 383 
Bid notices1 EO 71
1 EO 86 
Big Dig Safety Review Team and Special Safety Review Advisory PanelEO 474 
Biodiversity conservationEO 618
Bioterrorism Coordinating CouncilEO 435 
Black Advisory CommissionEO 575 
Black Empowerment, Governor's Council onEO 606
Blackouts1 EO 3
1 EO 10
1 EO 31
1 EO 40
1 EO 52
1 EO 55
1 EO 63 
1 EO 86
BlindEO 51 
EO 374 
EO 598
EO 636
BlizzardEO 142 
Block grantsEO 199
EO 206
EO 383
Blue laws1 EO 6
1 EO 86
Board of Collegiate Authority1 EO 73
1 EO 99 
Board of Conciliation and ArbitrationEO 198 
Board of Regents in Higher EducationEO 309 
Boating Advisors, Governor's Commission ofEO 80 
Bond capEO 245
EO 248
EO 261
EO 262
EO 263
EO 266 
Boot camp - See Correctional facilities 
Boston Harbor beachesEO 311 
Bourne, MA - State Pier1 EO 13
1 EO 98 
Boycott, International and Awarding of State ContractsEO 130 
Bread1 EO 88
1 EO 98 
Bridges1 EO 34
1 EO 60
1 EO 61
1 EO 65
1 EO 98 
1 EO 99 
EO 225 
EO 457 
Bridgewater, MA (State farm)1 EO 9 
1 EO 98
Budget, BalancedEO 289 
Budget deficitsEO 290 
Building and Specialty Code Coordinating CommitteeEO 426 
Building codesEO 202 
EO 203 
EO 210
EO 220 
EO 440
EO 518 
See also: Minority businessesWomen
EO 169 
Business, Governor's Advisory CouncilEO 196
EO 255
EO 256 
EO 383 


SubjectExecutive Order
Cable television programming - Governor's Advisory Committee to Study Showing of Obscene MaterialEO 217 
EO 383 
Cambridge, MA1 EO 61
1 EO 98 
Campaign finance - prohibition of prisoners to raise moneyEO 399 
Car dealer license1 EO 4
1 EO 99 
Car pools1 EO 21
1 EO 48
1 EO 98
Carbon footprintEO 594
CareersEO 183 
Catastrophic Illness Sick Leave bankEO 335 
Certificates, Replacement of, After natural disasterEO 23 
EO 30 
Chaplains1 EO 20
1 EO 99 
Charitable giving by state employees - payroll deductionEO 243 
EO 272
EO 354
EO 404
EO 451
Chelsea, MA - bridge and state of emergencyEO 225 
Chief IT Accessibility OfficerEO 614
Child Advocate, Office of theEO 494 
Child and Youth Readiness CabinetEO 505 
Child careEO 625
Child custodyEO 184 
Child Development, Governor's Advisory Committee onEO 68 
Children1 EO 20
1 EO 98
EO 494 
Children and the Family, Governor's Committee onEO 159
EO 383 
ChlorofluorocarbonsEO 279 
Cities and towns - See Local government 
Citizen Participation, Governor's Commission onEO 91 
Civil defense
See also, Emergency management
1 EO 1  
1 EO 30
1 EO 50
1 EO 54
1 EO 86
EO 1 | EO 2
EO 3-8
EO 9
EO 10-12
EO 14 
EO 15
EO 16
EO 17
EO 24 
EO 25
EO 26
EO 27
EO 28 
EO 31
EO 32 
EO 34
EO 36
EO 37 
EO 38 
EO 39 
EO 41
EO 42
EO 42A 
EO 46 
EO 53 
EO 54
EO 88
EO 142 
EO 144 
EO 242
EO 303 
Civil serviceEO 36
EO 38
EO 39 
EO 41
EO 42
EO 42A 
Civil War Sesquicentennial CommissionEO 529 
Clean energy and efficient buildingsEO 484 
EO 594
Clean Heat, Commission onEO 596
Clerk magistrates - qualificationsEO 445
EO 458 
Climate changeEO 569
EO 594 
Climate Innovation and Resilience, Office ofEO 604
ClothingEO 89 
Coal - See FuelHeating systems 
Coastal wetlandsEO 190 
Code of Fair PracticesEO 74 
EO 116
EO 117 
EO 224
EO 227
EO 235
EO 246
EO 253
EO 452 
Code of Mass. Regulations (CMR)EO 384
EO 485
EO 562
Collective bargainingEO 67 
Colleges and universities, Closure and consolidation ofEO 300
EO 310 
Combustion toxicityEO 249
EO 251
EO 275 
EO 383 
COMECC - See Charitable giving 
Commerce and development - See Department of Commerce and Development 
Commercial carriers1 EO 72
1 EO 87
1 EO 96 
Commissioner of Insurance1 EO 18 
Commonwealth Fusion CenterEO 476 
Commonwealth Print, Copy and Mail CenterEO 531 
Communications systemsEO 8 
EO 41
EO 42
EO 42A 
EO 53 
Communities and Development, Executive Office ofEO 96 
EO 285 
EO 287 
EO 291 
Community and state college systemEO 310 
Community development plansEO 417 
Community Service CommissionEO 314 
EO 365 
EO 400
EO 472 
Commuters1 EO 21
1 EO 48
1 EO 98
Comprehensive Employment Training Act (CETA)EO 157 
Computer Crime, Governor's Commission onEO 322 
EO 324
EO 383 
Computer Technology and the Law, Commission onEO 324
EO 337
EO 383
See also, Year 2000 compliance
EO 132
EO 175
EO 188
EO 231
Conduct, Standards ofEO 282 
Conciliation and Arbitration, Board ofEO 198 
Constitution, Bicentennial ofEO 260
EO 307 
Consumer protectionEO 405 
Continuity of governmentEO 475
EO 490
ContraceptionEO 600
EO 601
Contractors, PublicEO 147 
Contractors - state and privatizationEO 346 
See also, State contracts
EO 85 
EO 281 
EO 295 
CopyrightEO 286 
Correctional facilities - boot campsEO 316
EO 349
See also: Prison laborPrisoners
EO 77
EO 95
EO 461
EO 468
COVID-19 - vaccinationsEO 595
EO 607
CrimeEO 60
EO 61
Crime, Anti- (Governor's Statewide Anti-Crime Council)EO 226
EO 267
EO 383 
EO 482 
Crime Control CouncilEO 102
Criminal justiceEO 60
EO 61 
EO 133 
EO 465 
Criminal Justice, Committee onEO 102 
EO 166A
EO 204 
EO 280 
EO 339 
Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI)EO 495 
Criminal offender parenting programs - See Parenting programs 
Cultural Policy Development Advisory CouncilEO 631
EO 634
CybersecurityEO 602


SubjectExecutive Order
Data processingEO 132
EO 166
EO 175
EO 188
EO 231 
Day care1 EO 47
1 EO 98 
EO 214 
Debarment (of public contractors)EO 147 
Department of Commerce and DevelopmentEO 96 
Department of Housing and Community Development (now Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities)EO 391 
Department of Mental HealthEO 101 
EO 118 
EO 301
EO 317 
Department of Mental Health Facilities, Governor's Special Commission onEO 201 
Department of Mental RetardationEO 301
EO 317
Department of Public HealthEO 49
EO 51 
EO 301
EO 317 
Department of Public Utilities1 EO 11
1 EO 72
1 EO 76
1 EO 87
1 EO 96 
1 EO 99
Department of Public WelfareEO 49
EO 51 
Desert StormEO 302 
DevelopmentEO 167 
EO 487 
Developmental Disabilities, Governor's Council onEO 122
EO 141
EO 264 
Developmental Disabilities, State Planning CouncilEO 264
EO 306
EO 315
EO 397
EO 439
EO 512
Digital Accessibility and Equity Governance BoardEO 614
Digital Healthcare CouncilEO 574 
EO 585
Dimout - See Blackouts 
DisabilitiesEO 122
EO 141
EO 264 
EO 351 
EO 352 
Disabled Persons, Commission on the Rights ofEO 112 
EO 373 
EO 374 
EO 598
Disabled persons - access to electronic equipment and information technologyEO 344
EO 348
EO 614
Disabled persons - vocational rehabilitationEO 368
EO 635
Disasters, NaturalEO 144 
Disasters, Management program forEO 242 
Dispute resolution - See Alternative dispute resolution 
Diversity and Equal OpportunityEO 452 
EO 519
EO 527
EO 559
EO 592
Division of Employment Security1 EO 2 
1 EO 26
1 EO 97
1 EO 98 
Division of Industrial EngineeringEO 47
EO 56 
DivorceEO 184 
Domestic Fishing Industry, Governor's Committee onEO 63
EO 65
Domestic violence
See also, Sexual assault
EO 398
EO 491
EO 611
Domestic Violence CommissionEO 334
EO 357
EO 449 
EO 450
EO 486
EO 563 
EO 586
EO 611
Downtown centersEO 134
EO 318 
Drivers' licenses1 EO 70
1 EO 86 
Drug abuseEO 101 
EO 118 
EO 467 
EO 496
Drug diversion controlEO 106 
DrugsEO 78 
Drunk drivingEO 212 
Dry iceEO 29 
Dune buggiesEO 190 
EO 357 

Contact   for Massachusetts Executive Orders by Subject A-D

Last updated: August 15, 2024

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