MassWorkforce WIOA Local Plan Guidance policy issuances

MassWorkforce WIOA Local Plan Guidance policy issuances
04 - Local Plan Guidance Policy Issuances

Issuance: 100 DCS 04.114     Issued: 09/06/2024
Local Annual Plan Guidance: Fiscal Year 2025
04-114A: FY25 Local Annual Plan Checklist
04-114B: Submission Instructions
04-114C: Notification of Local Workforce System Changes Form
04-114D: MassHire Career Center Hours of Operation Form
04-114E: Assurances
04-114F: Local Annual Plan Signatories Form
04-114G: Financial Modification Authorization Form
04-114H: Instructions for Program Summary Charts
04-114I: Program Summary Charts (S and 1-4)
04-114J: Integrated Budget and Narrative Template
04-114K: Integrated Budget Instructions
04-114L: Integrated Budget Program List
04-114M: NOTICE:  Instructions for Updating Local Performance Goals for FY25
04-114N: State One-Stop Allocations
04-114O: Title I Allocations – Adult, DW, Youth (includes charts 1-7)
04-114P: State Allotments (WIOA Title I & ES Federal to State Allocations)
04-114Q: Wagner-Peyser 90% and 10% Allocations (includes charts 1-3)
04-114R: Local Allocations Compared 
04-114S: Overview of WIOA and Wagner-Peyser Allocations 
04-114T: FY25 Jobs for Veterans State Grant Allocations (upon availability)
04-114U1: CY2022 RESEA Allocations w/Additional Funding and Performance Awards *Updated 9-2023 
04-114U2: CY2023 RESEA Allocations *Updated 6-2024
04-114U3: CY2024 RESEA Allocations
04-114V1: FY22 TAA Allocations *Updated 1-2023
04-114W: Local Information Required: Local Agricultural Labor Market (NEW)
04-114X: Sample Attachment for Completing 2024 Goals

WIOA State Partner Infrastructure Contributions/Allocations
1.  Adult Community Learning Services (ACLS) (upon availability)
2.  Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA)
         Attachment 2A: (upon availability)
         Attachment 2B: (upon availability)
         Attachment 2C: FY24-FY25 WPP Expansion Program Allocations
3.  Massachusetts Commission for the Blind (MCB) (upon availability)
4.  Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC) (upon availability)
5.  Senior Community Services Employment Prog. (SCSEP) (upon availability)
6.  National Senior Community Service and Employment Program (SCSEP) – Operation A.B.L.E 
    and Senior Service America, Inc. (upon availability)

Issuance: 100 DCS 04.113     Issued: 09/08/2023
Local Annual Plan Guidance: Fiscal Year 2024
04-113A: FY24 Local Annual Plan Checklist
04-113B: Submission Instructions
04-113C: Notification of Local Workforce System Changes Form
04-113D: MassHire Career Center Hours of Operation Form
04-113E: Assurances
04-113F: Local Annual Plan Signatories Form
04-113G: Financial Modification Authorization Form
04-113H: Instructions for Program Summary Charts
04-113I: Program Summary Charts (S and 1-4)
04-113J: Integrated Budget and Narrative Template
04-113K: Integrated Budget Instructions
04-113L: Integrated Budget Program List
04-113M: Instructions for updating Local WIOA Performance Goals for FY24
04-113M1: FY24 WIOA Performance Goals Request Form
04-113N: State One-Stop Allocations
04-113O: Title I Allocations – Adult, DW, Youth (includes charts 1-7)
04-113P: State Allotments (WIOA Title I & ES Federal to State Allocations)
04-113Q: Wagner-Peyser 90% and 10% Allocations (includes charts 1-3)
04-113R: Local Allocations Compared 
04-113S: Overview of WIOA and Wagner-Peyser Allocations
04-113T: FY24 Jobs for Veterans State Grant Allocations
04-113U1: CY2021 RESEA Allocations w/Performance Awards *End date revised 08-2022
04-113U2: CY2022 RESEA Allocations w/Additional Funding and Performance Awards *Updated 09-2023 
04-113U3: CY2023 RESEA Allocations *Updated 06-01-2024 
04-113U4: CY2024 RESEA Allocations
04-113V1: FY21 TAA Allocations 
04-113V2: FY22 TAA Allocations (Updated January 2023)
04-113W: MassHire Career Center Telephone Service 
04-113X: Premises Lease Costs (upon availability)

WIOA State Partner Infrastructure Contributions/Allocations
1.  Adult Community Learning Services (ACLS) (upon availability)
2.  Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) (upon availability)
          Attachment 2A: FY23 - FY24 WPP Expansion Program Allocations
          Attachment 2B: FY24 WPP Program Allocations
          Attachment 2C: FY24-FY25 WPP Expansion Program Allocations
3.  Massachusetts Commission for the Blind (MCB) (upon availability)
4.  Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC) (upon availability)
5.  Senior Community Services Employment Prog. (SCSEP) (upon availability)
6.  National Senior Community Service and Employment Program (SCSEP) – Operation A.B.L.E and Senior     Service America, Inc. (upon availability)

Issuance: 100 DCS 04.112     Issued: 04/25/2023
WIOA Local 4 Year Plan Modification Guidance FY22-25
04-112A: WIOA Local Four-Year Plan Signatory Form
04-112B: No Modification Acknowledgement Form
04-112C: Extension Request

Issuance: 100 DCS 04.111     Issued: 08/17/2022
Local Annual Plan Guidance: Fiscal Year 2023
04-111A: FY23 Local Annual Plan Checklist
04-111B: Submission Instructions
04-111C: Notification of Local Workforce System Changes Form
04-111D: MassHire Career Center Hours of Operation Form
04-111E: Assurances
04-111F: Local Annual Plan Signatories Form
04-111G: Financial Modification Authorization Form
04-111H: Instructions for Program Summary Charts
04-111I: Program Summary Charts (S and 1-4)
04-111J: Integrated Budget and Narrative Template
04-111K: Integrated Budget Instructions
04-111L: Integrated Budget Program List
04-111M: Instructions for updating Local WIOA Performance Goals for FY23 
04-111M1: FY23 WIOA Performance Goals Request Form
04-111N: State One-Stop Allocations
04-111O: FY23 Local WIOA Hold Harmless Allocation Levels (NEW ATTACHMENT FOR FY23) 
04-111P: Title I Allocations – Adult, DW, Youth (includes charts 1-7)
04-111Q: Wagner-Peyser 90% and 10% Allocations (includes charts 1-3)
04-111R: Local Allocations Compared 
04-111S: Overview of WIOA and Wagner-Peyser Allocations
04-111T: State Allotments (WIOA Title I & ES Federal to State Allocations)
04-111U1: CY2020 RESEA Allocations *End date revised 06-2021
04-111U2: CY2021 RESEA Allocations w/Performance Awards *End date revised 08-2022
04-111U3: CY2022 RESEA Allocations w/Additional Funding and Performance Awards *Updated 4-2023
04-111U4: CY2023 RESEA Allocations
04-111V1: FY2020 TAA  Allocations 
04-111V2: FY2021 TAA Allocations 
04-111V3: FY2022 TAA Allocations (Updated January 2023)
04-111W: MassHire Career Center Telephone Service (upon availability)
04-111X: FY23 Jobs for Veterans State Grant Allocations (upon availability)
04-111Y: UI Funding (upon availability)
04-111Z: Premises Lease Costs (upon availability)

WIOA State Partner Infrastructure Contributions/Allocations
1.  Adult Community Learning Services (ACLS)
2.  Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA)
          Attachment 2A:  FY23 WPP Initial and Performance Allocations -Updated January 2023
          Attachment 2B:  FY22 – FY23 WPP Expansion Program Allocations
          Attachment 2C:  FY23 - FY24 WPP Expansion Program Allocations
3.  Massachusetts Commission for the Blind (MCB)
4.  Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC)
5.  Senior Community Services Employment Prog. (SCSEP)
6.  National Senior Community Service and Employment Program (SCSEP) – Operation A.B.L.E and Senior Service America, Inc.

Issuance: 100 DCS 04.110     Issued: 07/13/2021 
Local Annual Operating Plan: Fiscal Year 2022
04-110A: FY22 Local Operating Plan Checklist
04-110B: Submission Instructions
04-110C: Notification of Local Workforce System Changes Form
04-110D: MassHire Career Center Hours of Operation Form
04-110E: Assurances
04-110F: Local Operating Plan Signatories Form
04-110G: Financial Modification Authorization Form
04-110H: Instructions for Program Summary Charts
04-110I: Program Summary Charts (S and 1-4)
04-110J: Integrated Budget – Revised Format
04-110K: Integrated Budget Instructions
04-110L: Integrated Budget Program List
04-110M: Instructions for revising Local WIOA Performance Goals for FY22
04-110M1: FY22 WIOA Performance Goals Request Form
04-110M2: Local Goals Request Form
04-110N: State One-Stop Allocations
04-110O: FY22 WIOA State Partner Infrastructure Contributions
04-110O1: Adult Community Learning Services (ACLS)
04-110O2: Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) 
04-110O2a: FY22 WPP Program Allocations - Updated 10/25/21
04-110O2b: FY22 WPP Program Allocations (Additional Funding)
04-110O2c: FY21 – FY22 WPP Expansion Program (DTA)
04-110O2d: FY22 – FY23 WPP Expansion Program (DTA)
04-110O3: Massachusetts Commission for the Blind (MCB)
04-110O4: Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC)
04-110O5: Senior Community Services Employment Program (SCSEP) – State
04-110O6: Senior Community Service and Employment Program (SCSEP) – National
04-110P: Title I Allocations – Adult, DW, Youth (includes charts 1-7)
04-110Q: Wagner-Peyser 90% and 10% Allocations (includes charts 1-3)
04-110R: Local Allocations Compared
04-110S: Overview of WIOA and Wagner-Peyser Allocations
04-110T: State Allotments (WIOA Title I & ES Federal to State Allocations) 
04-110U1: CY2020 RESEA Allotments
04-110U2: CY2021 RESEA Allotments
04-110U3: FY21 RESEA Performance Allocations
04-110V: FY19 TAA Allocations
04-110V1: FY20 TAA Allocations
04-110V2: FY21 TAA Allocations
04-110W: MassHire Career Center Telephone Service
04-110X: FY21 Jobs for Veterans State Grant Allocations (upon availability)
04-110Y: UI Funding (upon availability)
04-110Z: Premises Lease Costs
Issuance: 100 DCS 04.109     Issued: 04/12/2021  
WIOA Local 4 Year Plan Guidance FY22-25 - updated 5/19/21
04-109A: Template for 4-Year Local Plan Responses
04-109B: Signatories Page

Local Operating Plan Guidance: Fiscal Year 2021

Issuance: 100 DCS 04.108     Issued: 07/09/2020
04-108A: FY21 Local Operating Plan Checklist
04-108B: Submission Instructions
04-108C: Notification of Local Workforce System Changes Form
04-108D: MassHire Career Center Hours of Operation Form
04-108E: Assurances
04-108F: Local Operating Plan Signatories Form
04-108G: Financial Modification Authorization Form
04-108H: Instructions for Program and Summary Charts
04-108I: Program Summary Charts (S and 1-4)
04-108J: Integrated Budget and Narrative Template
04-108K: Integrated Budget Instructions
04-108L: Integrated Budget Program List
04-108M: Instructions for revising Local WIOA Performance Goals for FY21
04-108M1: FY21 WIOA Performance Goals Request Form
04-108N: State One-Stop Allocations
04-108O: FY21 WIOA State Partner Infrastructure Contributions (Upon Availability)
04-108O1: Adult Community Learning Services (ACLS) (posted 2/12/21)
04-108O2: Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) (Upon Availability)
04-108O2a: FY20 & FY21 WPP Expansion Program Allocations
04-108O2b: FY21 WPP Allocations - Updated 2/17/2021
04-108O3: Massachusetts Commission for the Blind (MCB) (posted 2/12/21)
04-108O4: Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC) (posted 2/25/21)
04-108O5: Senior Community Services Employment Program (SCSEP) (posted 2/25/21)
04-108O6: National Senior Community Service and Employment Program (SCSEP) –   Operation A.B.L.E and Senior Service America, Inc. (Upon Availability)
04-108P: Title I Allocations – Adult, DW, Youth (includes charts 1-7)
04-108Q: Wagner-Peyser 90% and 10% Allocations (includes charts 1-3)
04-108R: Local Allocations Compared
04-108S: Overview of WIOA and Wagner-Peyser Allocations
04-108T: State Allotments (WIOA Title I & ES Federal to State Allocations)
04-108U1: CY2019 RESEA Allotments - Updated11/2/2020
04-108U2: CY2020 RESEA Allotments - Updated11/4/2020
04-108V: TAA Case Management Allocations (Upon Availability)
04-108Va: FY18 TAA Allocations
04-108Vb: FY19 TAA Allocations
04-108Vc: FY20 TAA Allocations - Updated11/19/2020
04-108W: MassHire Career Center Telephone Service
04-108X: FY21 Jobs for Veterans State Grant Allocations
04-108Y: FY21 UI Funding - First Installment 
04-108YA: FY21 UI Funding – Second Installment and Return-to-In Person Funding
04-108Z: Premises Lease Costs

WIOA Local 4 Year Plan Modification Guidance

Issuance: 100 DCS 04.107     Issued: 08/22/2019
04-107A: Rapid Response Narrative Template
04-107B: Migrant Seasonal Farm Worker Narrative Template
04-107C: WIOA Local Four-Year Plan Signatory Form
04-107D: No Modification Acknowledgement Form

Local Operating Plan Guidance: Fiscal Year 2020  

Issuance: 100 DCS 04.106.1   Issued: 08/08/2019
04-106-1A: FY20 Local Operating Plan Checklist  
04-106-1B: Submission Instructions  
04-106-1C: Notification of Local Workforce System Changes Form
04-106-1D: MassHire Career Center Hours of Operation Form
04-106-1E: Assurances
04-106-1F: Local Operating Plan Signatories Form
04-106-1G: Financial Modification Authorization Form
04-106-1H: Instructions for Program Summary Charts updated 03/27/20
04-106-1I: Program Summary Charts (S and 1-4)
04-106-1J: Integrated Budget and Narrative Template
04-106-1K: Integrated Budget Instructions
04-106-1L: Integrated Budget Program List
04-106-1M: Instructions for revising Local WIOA Performance Goals for FY20
04-106-1M1: WIOA Performance Goals Request Form FY20
04-106-1N: State One-Stop Allocations
04-106-1O-1: Adult Community Learning Services (ACLS)
04-106-1O-2: Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA)
04-106-1O-3: Massachusetts Commission for the Blind (MCB)
04-106-1O-4: Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC)
04-106-1O-5: Senior Community Services Employment Program (SCSEP)
04-106-1O-6: National Senior Community Service and Employment Program (SCSEP) – Operation A.B.L.E and Senior Service America, Inc.
04-106-1P: Title I Allocations – Adult, DW, Youth (includes charts 1-7) Updated 05-19-20
04-106-1Q: Wagner-Peyser 90% and 10% Allocations (includes charts 1-3) Updated 9-26-19
04-106-1R: Local Allocations Compared
04-106-1S: Overview of WIOA and Wagner-Peyser Allocations
04-106-1T: State Allotments (WIOA Title I & ES Federal to State Allocations) Updated 05-19-20
04-106-1U1: CY2019 RESEA Allotments
04-106-1U2: CY2020 RESEA Allotments (posted 5/12/20)
04-106-1V: TAA Case Management Allocations Updated 5-8-20
04-106-1W: MassHire Career Center Telephone Service
04-106-1X: FY20 Jobs for Veterans State Grant Allocations
04-106-1Y: UI Funding
04-106-1Z: Premises Lease Costs (Upon Availability)

WIOA Local 4 Year Plan Guidance

Issuance: 100 DCS 04.105.1   Issued: 11/21/2018
04-105-1A: Local 4-Year Plan Response Template
04-105-1B: Signatories Page 
04-105-1C: Extension Request Form

WIOA Local Annual Operating Plan Guidance: Fiscal Year 2019  

Issuance: 100 DCS 04.104   Issued: 06/05/2018
04-104A: FY19 Local Annual Operating Plan Checklist  
04-104B: Submission Instructions  
04-104C: Notification of Workforce System Changes  
04-104D: One-Stop Career Center Hours of Operation Form  
04-104E: Assurances  
04-104F: Local Annual Operating Plan Signatories Form  
04-104G: Financial Modification Authorization Form  
04-104H: Instructions for Program Summary Charts  
04-104I:  Program Summary Charts (S and 1-4)  
04-104J: Integrated Budget and Narrative Template  
04-104K: Integrated Budget Instructions  
04-104L: Integrated Budget Program List  
04-104M: Instructions for Proposing Local WIOA Performance Goals for FY19 & FY20
04-104M1: WIOA Performance Goals Request Form FY19
04-104N: State Allotments (WIOA Title I and ES Federal to State Allocations) (updated 5/22/19)
04-104O: WIOA Title I & Wagner-Peyser FY18 Revised and FY19 Initial Local Allocations Summary Tables 
04-104P: Title I Allocations – Adult, DW, Youth (includes charts 1-7) (updated 5/22/19)
04-104Q: Wagner-Peyser 90% and 10% Allocations (includes charts 1-3)  (updated 5/22/19)
04-104R: Initial Local Allocations Compared (May 30, 2018)
04-104S: Overview of WIOA and Wagner-Peyser Allocations
04-104T: State One-Stop Allocations (updated 10/09/18)
04-104U: FY19 ASU Unemployment by City/Town Within Workforce Area  (upon availability)
04-104V: RESEA Allotments  (updated 11/06/18)
04-104W: TAA Case Management Allocations
04-104W1: TAA Case Management Allocations – FY19
04-104X: OSCC Telephone Service 
04-104Y: Premises Lease Costs  
04-104Z: UI Funding
04-104AA: DTA Allocations (updated 9/25/18)

WIOA Section 108 Local Plan Guidance  

Issuance: 100 DCS 04.103   Issued: 07/20/2017

WIOA Local Annual Operating Plan Guidance: Fiscal Year 2018  

Issuance: 100 DCS 04.102   Issued: 07/11/2017
04-102A: FY18 Local Annual Operating Plan Checklist  
04-102B: Submission Instructions  
04-102C: Notification of Workforce System Changes  
04-102D: One-Stop Career Center Hours of Operation Form  
04-102E: Assurances  
04-102F: Local Annual Operating Plan Signatories Form  
04-102G: Financial Modification Authorization Form  
04-102H: Instructions for Program Summary Charts  
04-102I: Program Summary Charts (S and 1-4)  (updated 8/24/2017)
04-102J: Integrated Budget and Narrative Template  (updated 01/25/2018)
04-102K: Integrated Budget Instructions  (updated 05/04/2018)
04-102L: Integrated Budget Program List  
04-102M: State Allotments (WIOA Title I and ES Federal to State Allocations)   (updated 6/1/2018)
04-102M1: Summary of Fiscal Year 2018 State Allotments (WIOA Title and ES Federal to State)  (updated 8/7/2018)
04-102N: Title I Allocations – Adult, DW, Youth (includes charts 1-7)   (updated 6/1/2018)
04-102O: Wagner-Peyser 90% and 10% Allocations (includes charts 1-3)  (updated 6/1/2018)
04-102P: Overview of WIOA Title I and Title III Wagner-Peyser Fiscal Year 2018 Allocations
04-102Q: Local Allocations Compared  
04-102R: State One-Stop Allocations 
04-102S: OSCC Telephone Service 
04-102T: Premises Lease Costs  
04-102U: UI Funding
04-102V: RESEA Allotments   (updated 8/3/2017)
04-102W: MOSES Support  
04-102X: FY17 ASU Unemployment by City/Town Within Workforce Area (upon availability)
04-102Y: CITRIX Costs 
04-102Z: TAA Case Management Allocations  

WIOA Local Plan Guidance: Fiscal Year 2017  

Issuance: 100 DCS 04.101   Issued: 05/31/2016
04-101A: FY17 Local Annual Plan Checklist  
04-101B: Submission Instructions  
04-101C: Notification of Local System Changes  
04-101D: One-Stop Career Center Hours of Operation Form  
04-101E: Assurances  
04-101F: Annual Plan Signatories Form  
04-101G: Financial Forms Signatory Authorization  
04-101H: Program Summary Charts (1-4)  
04-101I: Instructions for Program Summary Charts  
04-101J: Instructions for Proposing Local Performance Goals for FY17  
04-101J1: Local Performance Goals Request Form  
04-101J2: FY17 Performance Goals for Local Areas  
04-101J3: Title I Performance Goals Tool Federal Statistical Model  
04-101K: Integrated Budget and Narrative Template  
04-101L: Integrated Budget Instructions  
04-101M: Integrated Budget Program List  
04-101N: State Allotments (WIOA Title I and ES Federal to State Allocations)   (updated 07/21/2017)
04-101N1: Summary of Fiscal Year 2017 WIOA Title I State Allotments  
04-101O: Title I Allocations – Adult, DW, Youth (includes charts 1-7)   (updated 07/21/2017)
04-101P: Wagner-Peyser 90% and 10% Allocations (includes charts 1-3)  
04-101R: Local Allocations Compared  
04-101S: State One-Stop Allocations  
04-101T: OSCC Telephone Service  
04-101U: Premises Lease Costs  
04-101V: RESEA Allotments  
04-101V1: RESEA Allocations  
04-101W: MOSES Support  
04-101X: FY17 ASU Unemployment by City/Town Within Workforce Area  
04-101Y: Citrix Costs  
04-101Z: FY18 Local Plan Requirements  

WIOA Local Annual Plan Guidance: Fiscal Year 2016  

Issuance: 100 DCS 04.100   Issued: 06/02/2015
04-100A: FY16 Local Annual Plan Checklist  
04-100B: Submission Instructions (change in submission instructions from previous years)  
04-100C: Notification of Local System Changes  
04-100D: One-Stop Career Center Hours of Operation Form  
04-100E: Assurances  
04-100F: MOU Activity Summary Form  
04-100G: MOU and Annual Plan Signatories Form  
04-100H: Financial Modification Authorization Forms  
04-100I: Program Summary Charts (1-4)  
04-100J: Instructions for Program Summary Charts  
04-100K: Instructions for Proposing Local Performance Goals for FY16  
04-100K1: Local Performance Goals Request Form  
04-100K2: FY15 Performance Goals for Local Areas  
04-100L:  Integrated Budget and Narrative Template  
04-100M:  Integrated Budget Instructions  
04-100N: Integrated Budget Program List  
04-100O: State Allotments (WIOA Title I and ES Federal to State Allocations)   Updated 03/10/16
04-100P: Title I Allocations – Adult, DW, Youth (includes charts 1-7)  
04-100Q: Wagner-Peyser 90% and 10% Allocations (includes charts 1-3)  
04-100S: Local Allocations Compared  
04-100T:  State One-Stop Allocations  
04-100U: OSCC Telephone Service  
04-100V: Premises Lease Costs  
04-100W1: RESEA Allotments (4/1/15 – 12/31/15)  
04-100W2: RESEA Allotments (1/1/16 – 12/31/16)  
04-100X:  MOSES Support  
04-100Y:  Local Citrix Costs  

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