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- This page, Lead & Copper Forms and Templates, is offered by
- Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Lead & Copper Forms and Templates
Table of Contents
Lead & Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR)
This template is for a PWS, such as a fire district or municipality, that serves multiple buildings and owns the distribution system and part of the service lines serving individual buildings, i.e. split ownership of service lines.
Instructions for using version 1.0.3 of the Service Line Inventory Excel Workbook Template for Systems with Split Ownership of Service Lines
A macro-enabled Excel workbook for producing the CSV service line inventory. This template is for a PWS, such as an NTNC or COM system WITHOUT split ownership of service lines. For example a condominium or school where the PWS owns/controls all water system components. This new version of the template is optional.
Instructions for using version 1.3.2 of the Service Line Inventory Excel Workbook Template for Systems WITHOUT Split Ownership of Service Lines
A certification form all PWS must submit with their Service Line Inventory.
A form PWS must submit to certify the PWS has no lead, galvanized requiring replacement (GRR), or lead status unknown service lines.
PWS with no lead, GRR, and lead status unknown service lines must have a No Lead Service Lines Statement publicly accessible by October 16, 2024. PWS must submit a Certification of Non-Lead Service Lines & Request for Approval to post this statement.
PWS with no lead, GRR, and lead status unknown service lines must have a No Lead Service Lines Statement publicly accessible by October 16, 2024. PWS that have not received an SLI final approval letter by the posting date of their non-lead statement should use this statement template until receiving final approval.
Form for PWSs to begin to document their strategy to remove all lead service lines. PWSs should use this form to document their plans until MassDEP LCRR regulations and programs are finalized.
Visit the MA-LSLI Application to see how this crowdsourcing application may be able to help your system.
Enrollment instructions for PWSs that want to use the MA-LSLI app.
Access the LCRR required Tier 1 Lead Action Level Exceedance Public Notification Templates here.
This Certification Form must be submitted by Public Water Suppliers July 1st 2025 and July 1st of each subsequent year, if the water supplier is required to distribute service line material consumer notices.
The following survey should be submitted by December 15th, 2023. The survey contains questions pertaining to your system's service line inventory submission timeline.
Lead Service Line Replacement Program (LSLRP) for LCRR
This section contains materials developed based on the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) requirements.
Lead & Copper Rule (LCR)
For use by COM and NTNC. Checklist form with steps to follow before, during, and after sampling. Rev. May 2023
For use by COM and NTNC. Template form to certify to MassDEP that persons served by the taps tested have been notified of the results. Rev. Feb 2020
For use by COM. Chain of Custody form with sampling instruction for home residents. Rev. Apr. 2023.
For use by NTNC. Chain of Custody form with sampling instructions for certified operator or facility representative for sampling. Rev. Apr. 2023.
For use by COM and NTNC.
For use by COM and NTNC.
For use by COM and NTNC. Form to submit lead and copper sampling results.
For use by COM and NTNC. For systems required to collect more than 5 samples. Rev. Feb 2019
For use by COM and NTNC. For systems required to collect 5 samples. Rev. Feb 2019
Instructions for filling out the LCR-LOC-MOD form. Current version of the LCR-LOC-MOD form is ver. 1.4.4)
For use by COM. Form to certify that your sampling plan includes the highest possible tier class. Rev. Apr. 2023.
For use by COM. Consumer notification form for schools. Rev. May 2023.
For use by COM. Consumer notification form for homeowner results. Rev. June 2023.
For use by NTNC. Consumer notification form with instructions for NTNC systems. Rev. May 2023.
For use by COM and NTNC. Lead and copper material survey factsheets with instructions. Rev. May 2023
For use by COM and NTNC. Rev. November 2024
Lead public education brochure template to be used by PWS without corrosion control treatment to notify customers when the PWS exceeds the 90th percentile for lead based on tap water samples collected in accordance with 310 CMR 22.06B(7). Rev. November 2024.
Lead public education brochure template to be used by PWS with corrosion control treatment to notify customers when the PWS exceeds the 90th percentile for lead based on tap water samples collected in accordance with 310 CMR 22.06B(7). Rev. November 2024.
For use by COM and NTNC. Rev. May 2023.
For use by COM. Template letter soliciting participation for sampling. Rev. May 2023
Lead Service Line Replacement Program (LSLRP) for LCR
Lead in Schools (LCCA)
Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN) Act
This template is for use by PWS to send notices to households of their lead results. It is for households where the PWS' 90th percentile level in their most recent sampling round is below the action level and the household’s drinking water lead sample is greater than 15 ppb.
This template is for use by PWS to send notice to households of their lead results. It is for households where both the PWS' 90th percentile level in their most recent sampling round and the household’s drinking water lead sample result are greater than 15 ppb.
This template if for use by PWS to confirm distribution of the required "Exceedance of Lead Level at Households" information to: EPA, MassDEP, and the Local Board of Health.
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