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- This page, MassHealth Member Forms, is offered by
- MassHealth
MassHealth Member Forms
Table of Contents
Access to Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Coverage [ESI-1 (11/18)]
Adult Disability Supplement [MADS-A (07/21)]
A form for adults who are applying for MassHealth based on their disability. This document includes five copies of the Medical Records Release Form.
- Affidavit to Verify Incarceration Status [AFF-IS (11/19)]
- Affidavit to Verify Massachusetts Residency [AFF-MR (10/19)]
- Affidavit to Verify Zero Income [AFF-ZI (10/19)]
Application for Waiver or Reduction of MassHealth Premium [HW (Rev. 06/22)]
Asset Assessment for Potential MassHealth Eligibility [MH/AA (05/15)]
A form used to determine the amount of a person's assets when that person wants to find out if he or she may be eligible for MassHealth long-term-care benefits.
Attestation Form to Verify Income [AFVI (08/22)]
Authorization for Electronic Funds Transfer Payments [EFT-M (12/11)]
A form used by members to set up direct deposit with the State Treasurer.
Authorization to Release Protected Health Information [MADS-MR (07/21)]
A form used with the MADS-A and MADS-C to get medical information from a health-care provider so MassHealth can make a disability determination.
Authorized Representative Designation Form [ARD (11/22)]
A form used to designate an authorized representative who can help the applicant or member with the responsibilities of applying for or getting MassHealth.
Child Disability Supplement [MADS-C (07/21)]
A form for children who are applying for MassHealth based on their disability. This document includes five copies of the Medical Records Release Form.
Fair Hearing Request Form [FHR-1 (02/24)]
A form used by applicants and members who want to ask for a fair hearing.
Financial Information Request Form [FIR-1 (06/16)]
A form that is used by applicants and members to get bank records for MassHealth at no cost.
Help Getting Proof of U.S. Citizenship for Persons Born in Massachusetts [MRVS (01/19)]
A form for applicants and members born in Massachusetts who want help getting proof of their U.S. citizenship.
Job Update [JU-1 (01/16)]
This form is used to tell MassHealth about a new job or a change in your job.
- Long-Term-Care Application Checklist [LTC AC (09/18)]
- MassHealth Long-Term-Care Eligibility Review
- Long-Term-Care Supplement [LTC-SUPP (03/20)]
Helpful tips for applying for MassHealth Long-Term-Care (LTC) benefits.
Permission to Share Information Form [PSI (02/23)]
A form used when an applicant or member wants MassHealth to share their personal health information with someone other than their eligibility representative.
Noncustodial Parent Form [NCP-1 (06/22)]
This form is for applicants or members whose children have a parent who is absent from the household, deceased, or unknown.
Notification of Pregnancy [PRG-N (09/24)]
Personal-Care-Attendant Supplement [PCA-SUPP (11/18)]
A form for persons who need personal-care-attendant services.
Reimbursement for Mail Order Pharmacy Expenses (BCRF-1)
MassHealth may reimburse members for out-of-pocket mail order pharmacy expenses for MassHealth covered services. This reimbursement may be available when a MassHealth member is required by their health insurer to fill a mail order prescription(s) and has to pay an expense (including co-insurance, copayments, and deductibles) up front in compliance with their insurance policy.
To request reimbursement for out-of-pocket mail order pharmacy expenses, please complete the Pharmacy Mail Order Expense Reimbursement Form. Instructions explaining the documentation that you’ll need, and how to submit your request, are included on the form.
U.S. Citizenship/National Status Requirements for MassHealth and ConnectorCare Plans and Premium Tax Credits Identity Requirements for MassHealth, ConnectorCare Plans and Premium Tax Credits, and the Health Safety Net [C+I (03/15)]
A form that provides complete information about acceptable proofs of U.S. citizenship/national status and identity.
Verification of Self-Employment Income [INVF (09/22)]
Self-service available 24 hrs/day in English and Spanish. Other services available Monday-Friday 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Interpreter services are available.
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