- 45 Congress Street EOHHS Center Post-Occupancy report (September 2015)
- Committee for Public Council Services Post-Occupancy Assessment (November 2018)
- Committee for Public Council Services Pre-Occupancy Assessment (October 2018)
- Department of Children and Families, 45 Congress Street (May 2012)
- Department of Children and Families Water Damage Assessment (September 2018)
- Department of Mental Health at the Shetland Park Office Complex (June 2010)
- Department of Mental Health at the Shetland Park Office Complex, 24-hour Monitoring Results (September 2010)
- Department of Revenue Office Reassessment, January Visit (March 2009)
- Department of Revenue Office Reassessment, March Visit (March 2009)
- Department of Revenue, 35 Congress Street (October 2007)
- Department of Revenue, 35 Congress Street (June 2007)
- Department of Revenue, 35 Congress Street (February 2007)
- Department of Transitional Assistance Office (April 2011)
- Department of Transitional Assistance/Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (2008)
- EOHHS Center 45 Congress Street Post Occupancy Report (June 2015)
- Essex Superior Court Mold Investigation (April 2009)
- Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission Office (March 2011)
- Proposed Office Site for Essex County Registry of Deeds, Congress Street (April 2008)
- Salem City Hall (2005) - (Not available online)
- Sex Offenders Registry Board at the Shetland Park Office Complex (October 2010)
- Forestdale Elementary School (June 2023)
- Forestdale Elementary School (March 2023)
- Oak Ridge Elementary Modular Building (May 2023)
- Oak Ridge Elementary School (May 2023)
- Oak Ridge Elementary School (March 2023)
- Sandwich High School (2000) - (Not available online)
- Sandwich Middle High School (November 2023)
- Sandwich Middle High School Room D-266 (November 2023)
- Augustine Belmonte Middle School, Reassessment (April 2010)
- Augustine Belmonte Middle School (2007)
- Augustine Belmonte Middle School, (2003) - (Not available online)
- Augustine Belmonte Middle School (2002) - (Not available online)
- Augustine Belmonte Middle School (2000) - (Not available online)
- Lynnhurst Elementary School (June 2010)
- Lynnhurst Elementary School (2006) - (Not available online)
- Lynnhurst Elementary School (2003) - (Not available online)
- Oaklandvale Elementary School (2006) - (Not available online)
- Saugus High School (2007)
- Saugus Town Hall (2003) - (Not available online)
- Veterans Memorial Elementary School Odor Investigation (February 2012)
- Veteran's Memorial Middle School (2006) - (Not available online)
- Waybright Elementary School (2006) - (Not available online)
- Sharon Elementary School (1999) - (Not available online)
- Sharon Middle School (1999) - (Not available online)
- Sharon High School (1999) - (Not available online)
- Mount Everett High School (2002) - (Not available online)
- Sheffield Town Hall (November 2015)
- Undermountain Elementary School (2001) - (Not available online)
- Undermountain Elementary School (2002) - (Not available online)
- Cowell Gymnasium (July 2014)
- Shelburne Senior Center (October 2008)
- Shelburne Town Hall (2003) - (Not available online)
Shelburne Falls
- Community Maintenance & Development Department Building (July 2010)
- Pine Hill Elementary School (1998) - (Not available online)
- Beal School (August 2006) - (Not available online)
- New Shrewsbury High School (2002) - (Not available online)
- Sherwood Middle School (December 2009)
- Sherwood Middle School (2006) - (Not available online)
- Shutesbury Elementary School (October 2022)
- Shutesbury Town Hall (2005) - (Not available online)
- Committee for Public Counsel (August 2016)
- John F. Kennedy School (1999) - (Not available online)
- Lincoln Park Community School At Thurston St (2006) - (Not available online)
- Lincoln Park Community School (2005) - (Not available online)
- Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services (October 2009)
- Powder House Community School (2005) - (Not available online)
- Winter Hill Community Innovation School At Edgerly Education Center (June 2024)
South Hadley
South Weymouth
- Southampton Senior Center (June 2008) - (Not available online)
- Charlton Street Elementary School (1997) - (Not available online)
- Eastford Road Elementary School (1997) - (Not available online)
- Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance (2008)
- Quinsigamond Community College Water Damage Assessment (September 2018)
- Registry of Motor Vehicles (July 2022)
- Southbridge High School (2004) - (Not available online)
- Southbridge High School (1997) - (Not available online)
- West Street Elementary School (1998) - (Not available online)
- Powder Mill Middle School (2000) - (Not available online)
- Southwick Town Hall (December 2009)
- Woodland Elementary School (February 2010)
- Woodland Elementary School (1999) - (Not available online)
- David Prouty High School (December 2015)
- Lake Street Elementary School (February 2014)
- Lake Street School (April 2015)
- Lake Street School (April 2006) - (Not available online)
- Prouty high School (2005) - (Not available online)
- Richard Sugden Library (October 2009)
- Spencer Town Hall (March 2007)
- Department of Children and Families,112 Industry Avenue (April 2022)
- Department of Children and Families (November 2021)
- Department of Children and Families (April 2015)
- Department of Children and Families, High Street 5th Floor (July 2019)
- Department of Environmental Protection Western Regional Office (May 2016)
- Department of Revenue Office (May 2016)
- Department of Revenue Office (October 2016)
- Department of Revenue Reassessment (July 2019)
- Department of Revenue (1998) - (Not available online)
- Department of Transitional Assistance, 95 Liberty Street (May 2017)
- Department of Transitional Assistance, 310 State Street (January 2017)
- EOHHS Office Water Damage Assessment (December 2019)
- Executive Office of Health and Human Services Center (August 2019)
- Frank H. Freedman Elementary School (2001) - (Not available online)
- Forest Park Middle School (2000) - (Not available online)
- Garena Magnet School (2004) - (Not available online)
- Hampden County District Attorney’s Office Pre-occupancy Assessment (August 2018)
- High School of Commerce (2002) - (Not available online)
- Hiram L. Dorman Elementary School (2002) - (Not available online)
- Hiram L. Dorman Elementary School Annex (2002) - (Not available online)
- Homer Street Elementary School (2002) - (Not available online)
- John J. Duggan Middle School (2003) - (Not available online)
- Lincoln Elementary School (2003) - (Not available online)
- Martin Luther King Charter School (December 2018)
- Martin Luther King Jr. Charter School of Excellence (October 2023)
- Mary A. Dryden Memorial Elementary School (2003) - (Not available online)
- Mary A. Dryden Elementary School Annex (2003) - (Not available online)
- Mass Rehabilitation Commission Sewage Backup Follow-up (January 2018)
- Mass Rehabilitation Commission Sewage Backup Investigation (November 2017)
- Massachusetts Commission for the Blind (May 2013)
- Massachusetts Department of Social Services, 1537 Main Street (January 2007) - (Not available online)
- Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles (August 2012)
- Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission, Federal Street (April 2008)
- MassHealth Enrollment Center Water Damage/Mold Investigation (November 2018)
- MassHealth Office (August 2016)
- Putnam Vocational Center (2000) - (Not available online)
- Registry of Motor Vehicles (September 2022)
- Registry of Motor Vehicles (May 2016)
- Registry of Motor Vehicles Office Reassessment (May 2013)
- Samuel Bowles Elementary School (2001) - (Not available online)
- Springfield Court Complex:
- Hall of Justice Emergency Response (February 2012)
- Hampden County Registry of Deeds, Hall of Justice Odor Assessment (February 2012)
- Springfield Hall of Justice (May 2006)
- Springfield Hall of Justice (March 2013)
- Springfield Hall of Justice (October 2017)
- Roderick Ireland Courthouse, Western Housing and Springfield Juvenile Courts (February 2019)
- Tables and Pictures: Western Housing and Springfield Juvenile Courts (February 2019)
- Tables and Pictures: Roderick Ireland Courthouse (February 2019)
- Springfield Department of Children and Families (December 2012)
- Springfield Department of Developmental Services (January 2016)
- Springfield Department of Disability Services Post-Occupancy Assessment (December 2012)
- Springfield Office of Mass Commission Against Discrimination (January 2016)
- Springfield School Department Building (January 2010)
- Springfield State Office Building (2001) - (Not available online)
- State Office Building (September 2021)
- Sumner Avenue Elementary School (2002) - (Not available online)
- Sumner Avenue Elementary School Annex (2002) - (Not available online)
- Western Massachusetts Police Academy Water Damage Investigation (November 2018)
- White Street Elementary School (2001) - (Not available online)
- Central Elementary School Pre-Occupancy Assessment (October 2013)
- Central Elementary School - New Stoneham Middle School Construction Project (June 2013)
- New Central Elementary School (2003) - (Not available online)
- South Elementary School (1998) - (Not available online)
- Department of Public Works (July 2018)
- O'Donnell Middle School (2007)
- Robert G. O'Donnell Middle School (1998) - (Not available online)
- Stoughton District Court (2002) - (Not available online)
- Stoughton High School (1998) - (Not available online)
- Stoughton Historical Society Water Damage Assessment (March 2019)
- Center School (2005) - (Not available online)
- Hale Middle School (2004) - (Not available online)
- Pompositticut School (2005) - (Not available online)
- Randall Library (January 2015)
- Burgess Elementary Schoo (2004) - (Not available online)
- Joshua Hyde Public Library (November 2018)
- Josiah Haynes Elementary School (1999) - (Not available online)
- Sudbury Middle School (January 2023)
- Sunderland Elementary School (December 2018)
- Sunderland Elementary School Reassessment (2004) - (Not available online)
- Sunderland Elementary School (2003) - (Not available online)
- Hadley Elementary School (January 2013)
- Hadley Elementary School (2002) - (Not available online)
- Machon Elementary School (1999) - (Not available online)
- Swampscott High School (March 2001) - (Not available online)
- Swampscott Middle School (1999) - (Not available online)
Contact for Indoor air quality reports - cities and towns: S
(617) 624-5777
250 Washington St., 7th Floor, Boston, MA 02108